サイバー脅威情報市場を PolySwarm で分散化。今日の市場よりも、はるかに多くの脅威をカバー

2018/10/26(金)09:00 〜 10:30 開催


ブロックチェーンベースのスマートコントラクトでは、分散型でトラストレスな計算インフラを提供します。人々はこうした Ethereum(イーサリアム)コントラクトを利用して、自律分散型組織(DOA)、ゲーム、予測市場、分散型ストレージ他多数を構築してきました。全般的にみて、これらの「分散型アプリケーション」は自己のブロックチェーンエコシステム Ethereum(イーサリアム)やおそらく将来的には Tezos(テゾス)に対し閉鎖的です。 PolySwarmは、新しいスレットインテリジェンス市場です。その副産物は、ビッグデータの領域において脅威の検知・防止・軽減に関わる全員の関心の的になります。

申込み方法: こちらのフォームに必要事項をご記入のうえご登録ください。 https://goo.gl/ou5WuQ

Covering far more threats than in today's market Blockchain-based smart contracts provide a distributed and trustless computational infrastructure. People have used Ethereum contracts to build Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), games, prediction markets, distributed storage and more. By and large, these "distributed applications" are insular to their blockchain ecosystem (Ethereum, and perhaps Tezos in the future). Polyswarm is using contracts to design and develop an entirely new threat intelligence market. This market incentives will always ensure the latest malware detection capabilities, covering far more threats than is possible in today's market. Polyswarm's byproduct is big data. Participants will publish a large number of suspect artifacts (files, network traffic, URLs) and security experts will compete to best determine which suspect artifacts are malicious or benign. We expect the majority of transactions will happen in the open in this manner, allowing anyone to benefit from a huge new data source in honing their in-house threat detection capabilities and perhaps participate in the market as well. Polyswarm is a new threat intelligence market whose byproduct will be of interest to anyone conducting threat detection, prevention and mitigation in the big data space.

To register, please use the following link: https://goo.gl/ou5WuQ


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