kyoto.ex Farewell mokumoku Night

2019/10/27(日)18:00 〜 20:00 開催


kyoto.ex Farewell mokumoku Night

*English description follows

内容 / Contents

誠に寂しいことではありますが,kyoto.exの発起人であるAdam Millerchipさんが京都を離れることになりました.


We are very sad to inform that Adam Millerchip, the establisher of kyoto.ex, will leave Kyoto.
I think this is the another beginning, not the end of our relationship! Of course we continue to hold kyoto.ex MeetUp! So I wanna hold a "mokumoku" meeting about Elixir, while thinking about Adam’s future activity in Fukuoka and our activities in Kyoto! We are also planning to go somewhere for dinner.

You can do anything for "mokumoku", that means the contents you want to do yourself about not only Elixir but also Phoenix and Nerves at this time. Participants who want to talk more with Adam , and beginners who want to learn Elixir, are also welcome.
Please come and join us!!

What is "mokumoku" ?

It's similar to a "hackathon".
Staying focus on a coding/writing project without saying words. In Japanese, without saying words are casually said as "doing mokumoku". Moku is a pronunciation of kanji 黙 which means silence.

開催概要 / Description

  • 日時:2019年10月27日(日) 18:00-20:00
  • 場所:上島珈琲店 河原町店
    • 住所:京都府京都市中京区河原町通蛸薬師下ル奈良屋町302
    • google maps
  • イベント参加費:無料
    • お店でなにかオーダーしてください.
    • 終了後にどこかお店に移動して夕食を食べにいくつもりです.
  • 持ち物: ご自身のPCなど,もくもくするもの
    • お店の無料WiFiは利用可能です
    • お店にあるコンセントは数に限りがあるので,充分に充電してきましょう.

  • Date: October 27th (Sun), 2019 18:00-20:00
  • Venue: UESHIMA COFFEE Kawaramachi
  • Event Fee: free
    • Please order some drink at coffee shop
    • We are planning to go somewhere for dinner after mokumoku.
  • Please bring your laptop and mokumoku thing (contents you want to do at this time)
    • WiFi is available as the shop service
    • We may not use plug for laptop

タイムテーブル / Shchedule

time contents
- 18:00 集合 / gathering
18:00 - 18:10 自己紹介・やること表明 / self-introduction, declaring your "mokumoku" contents
18:10 - 19:30 もくもく会 / mokumoku
19:30 - 20:00 成果発表 / sharing your experience
20:00 - 22:00 懇親会(自由参加) / dinner with Adam (tentative)

kyoto.ex とは? / What is kyoto.ex?




A meetup for Elixir language enthusiasts. Whether you're just interested in seeing what it's about, or use the language in production, or even use Erlang, this meetup is for like-minded programmers together to socialise, share our ideas and projects, help each other learn, and discuss recent developments. The aim is to create a casual environment in both English and Japanese where anyone is welcome and the only requirement is an interest in Elixir! Let's see if we can get an Elixir community going in Kyoto. :-)


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