【オンライン】 JJUGナイトセミナー「OpenRewriteの紹介!」7/13(火) 開催

2021/07/13(火)20:00 〜 21:45 開催


新型コロナウイルス (COVID-19)の対策のため、今回もナイトセミナーはオンラインで開催します。

今回のスピーカーは元Pivotal及びNetflixのソフトウェアエンジニア/現Moderne CEOでJavaのメトリクス収集ライブラリのデファクトであるMicrometerを作成したJonathan Schneiderです。




ナイトセミナー開催URLにつきましては、イベント開始15分前までに参加者の皆様にメール及びTwitter JJUG公式アカウントでお知らせいたします。


時間 内容
20:00~20:05 オープニング
20:05~21:35 Automated Refactoring for Java-Based Applications by Jonathan Schneider
21:35~21:45 QA&クロージング

Automated Refactoring for Java-Based Applications

This talk will focus on how engineering teams can leverage automated refactoring tools that originated at Netflix to greatly reduce the time and effort required when migrating to new versions of frameworks like Spring and JUnit and between language versions.


Does this Scenario sound familiar?

Your organization has many Spring-based microservices and applications that are critical for the day-to-day operation of your business. Over time, you find that your applications have a large number of dependencies on third-party technologies and libraries that have different release cadences. Invariably, your organization encounters pressures to upgrade those dependencies for any number of the following reasons: critical bug fixes, security updates, expiring support, "modernization", or technical enablement. Refactoring a single application to update its third-party dependencies can be tricky and often requires manual intervention when there are breaking changes. At the organization level, performing the same refactoring operation across all of your applications can result in weeks of effort.

This talk introduces OpenRewrite, an open source ecosystem that specializes in mass, automated refactoring with a focus on Java source code, Maven build files, XML, YAML, and property files. We will discuss how the framework enables the creation of composable, prepackaged recipes that can be used to automate common framework migration and how these recipes can be integrated into both Maven and Gradle builds.This talk will include some live demonstrations of Rewrite's tools to perform automated migrations on real-world, Spring applications and libraries.



Jonathan Schneider @jon_k_schneider

Jonathan is co-founder and CEO of Moderne, a venture-backed enterprise software company delivering automated source code transformation. Moderne works to liberate engineers from tedious software maintenance tasks so they can do what they love: create! Previously, Jonathan was a member of the Spring Team where he founded Micrometer and at Netflix where he worked on Engineering Tools. Jonathan is the author of the O'Reilly book "SRE with Java Microservices", released in 2020.

Jonathanは、自動化されたソースコード変換を提供する、ベンチャー支援のエンタープライズソフトウェア会社であるModerneの共同創設者兼CEOです。 Moderneは、エンジニアが面倒なソフトウェアメンテナンスタスクから解放され、好きなことを実行できるようにします。 以前、Jonathanは、Micrometerを設立したSpring Teamのメンバーであり、Netflixではエンジニアリングツールに取り組んでいました。 Jonathanは、2020年にリリースされたO'Reillyの本 "SRE with Java Microservices" の著者です。


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