EGJの押入れ ~第2話:無限シーケンサーの物語~

2025/01/19(日)15:00 〜 17:00 開催


EGJの押入れ ~第2話:無限シーケンサーの物語~

Unreal Engine 5のシーケンサーとリターゲッターにおける新たな物語が、日本で語られます! Epic Gamesのシーケンサーのエキスパート、Greg Richardson( )が、Unreal Engine 5のシーケンサーとリターゲッターの最新技術を駆使して、まさに“無限”に広がる可能性を解き明かします。

これは、Unreal Engine 5のシーケンス機能を深く学びたい方々にぴったりのイベントです。Gregが直接デモンストレーションを行った後には、Q&Aセッションもありますので、どんな質問でもOK!日本語でも英語でも、Gregに直接聞いてみましょう。


日時: 1月19日(金)15:00〜 場所: 詳細は後日お知らせ

無限のシーケンスが広がるこの機会をお見逃しなく、Epic Gamesのスペシャリストから直接学んでみましょう!

EGJ Closet Episode 2: The Infinite Sequencer Saga

Get ready for a tale of limitless possibilities, as Greg Richardson ( from Epic Games takes you through the wonders of Unreal Engine 5’s Sequencer and Retargeter! This is your chance to dive into the world of UE5 Sequencer, and explore how it can take your workflows to new, infinite heights.

If you're already familiar with Unreal Engine and want to master Sequencer, this is the perfect event for you. Greg will be doing an in-depth live demo, and after that, you can ask him anything you want during the Q&A session—feel free to ask in either Japanese or English!

Attendance is free, but spaces are limited to just 20 people. Please sign up only if you’re sure you can attend. The event will take place near Minatomirai Station in Yokohama, and we’ll send the exact location to attendees. Don't forget to bring your email address and, if you have one, a business card (students can skip this part).

Date: January 19th, Friday, from 3:00 PM Location: Details to be announced

Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to learn directly from an Epic Games expert about the infinite possibilities of Unreal Engine 5!


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