THE BLOCK Meetup @ Tokyo

2019/10/04(金)19:00 〜 22:00 開催


Speaker Change. 登壇者変更のご連絡

*We were planning to have Mike Dudas, CEO of The Block but there are some change in the panel and having Mike MaCaffrey and Matteo Leibowitz for the guest speaker instead of Mike Dudas. Sincere apologies for the change.

*当初はThe Block CEOのが登壇する予定でしたが、急遽予定を変更してオペレーショントップのMike MaCaffreyとジャーナリストのMatteo Leibowitzが登壇することとなりました。急な予定の変更となり、大変申し訳ございません。

当日のスケジュール/ Schedule

19:00 Reception

19:30 Greeting

19:35 Introduction - Collaboration back-ground(New Economy, CoinPost, HashHub)

19:50 THE BLOCK Intro (Mike McCaffrey)

20:20 Panel discussion - Mike and Teo (The Block), David Chaum (Elixxer - Praxxis), Take (New Economy)

20:50 Photo

21:00 Networking

22:00 End

Mike McCaffrey, Director of Operation and Matteo Leibowitz, research analyst at The Block is coming to Tokyo!

Come connect with fellow entrepreneurs, enthusiasts, and thought leaders in HashHub, blockchain hub in Tokyo to discuss trends, share insights, and remain on the cutting edge of the field during Blockchain week in Japan! Drinks will be served.

The Block (

The Block is the leading research, analysis and news brand in the digital asset space. Founded in 2018 and based in NYC, The Block’s team is spread across 7 times zones, covering the global cryptocurrency and blockchain space 24/7. Through The Block’s website + newsletter, the Genesis research brand, our podcast “The Scoop,” hosted + 3rd party events and community participation, we interact daily with tens of thousands of crypto natives, financial market participants, Fortune 500 professionals, global service providers, government leaders and more. The Block delivers deep insight into how this emerging sector interacts with traditional finance, technology, governments and markets. The Block’s foundation is simple: we are the first and final word in digital assets.

Space is limited, RSVP required from above!

The BlockのOperation Director、Mike McCaffreyとリサーチアナリストMatteo Leibowitzが来日!

東京のブロックチェーンハブHashHubで、カジュアルなネットワークイベントを開催させていただきます! 参加者の皆様が、日本のブロックチェーンウィークをよりよく活用できるような交流の場となれば幸いです。 お飲み物はご用意します。

The Block (

The BlockはNYに拠点を置く、デジタル資産を取り扱ったリサーチや分析レポートを配信しているメディアです。 創業は2018年、自社のジャーナリストは7つのタイムゾーンに在籍しており、今最も勢いのあるブロックチェーン特化のリサーチ企業です。 The Blockの理念はシンプルです。We are the first and final word in digital assets.



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