How JavaScript Came to Save the World

2018/05/15(火)19:00 〜 21:30 開催


Interested in learning how exactly JavaScript came to be the main force behind applications nowadays? Still think JavaScript is not a serious language? Join Code Chrysalis' Lead Instructor Felix Kirmse in this free Meetup as he showcases the path JavaScript took to be where it is today and that it deserves to be taken seriously.


7:15pm - Doors Open -- Please do not come any earlier because we will be busy setting up 7:30pm - Introductions 7:45m - JavaScript - A History Lesson by Felix Kirmse ~8:30pm - 10 minute Q&A Session ~8:40pm - Networking


This Meetup does not require programming knowledge and is open to everyone. Whether you are a seasoned veteran coder, a newly hatched butterfly or a Project Lead thinking about switching to JavaScript for your new project but are not fully convinced.

About the Speaker Felix Kirmse is a full stack engineer and lead instructor at Code Chrysalis. Thanks to 7 years of experience working in different fields, from creating Web applications with PHP & JS to creating programs for embedded PCs and Apps for Android and iOS using C#, C++ or Python or just creating hobby applications in Rust/Go he can give a broad evaluation of technologies suited for a project.

Starting out with JavaScript before ES6 and React were a thing, he quickly developed a healthy hate for the language, learning new languages that seemed more sane in his free time. Now that JavaScript has come a long way, he took another critical look into it to understand why it is becoming such a phenomenon and wants to share his insights now.

Other Information Because our workshop will be happening during dinner time, please feel free to bring some to eat and drink during this workshop, but make sure it does not interfere with the experience of others. We also ask that you take your trash with you when you leave! Thank you!!


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