2018/12/06(木)18:30 〜 21:00 開催



Perlinによる、初の東京でのイベントです! 過去に、シンガポールのGoogle社やサンフランシスコのPolychainCapitalにて開催され、大人気のイベントでした。


PerlinのNative LedgerのWaveletは Avalanche ConsensusプロトコルとPoSの実装を伴ったDAGであり、スケーラビリティと分散的かつシェア可能なコンピューターリソースに必要なスループットを提供します。

This is Perlin's first event in Tokyo! With previous events hosted at Google HQ in Singapore and Polychain Capital's Penthouse in San Francisco, this is not one to be missed.

Perlin is the first practical, trustless and decentralized cloud computing marketplace that leverages underutilized compute power in everyday smart-devices to make supercomputing economically viable and accessible globally.

Perlin’s native ledger, Wavelet, is a directed-acyclic-graph (DAG) utilizing the Avalanche consensus protocol and a novel implementation of proof-of-stake (PoS), that provides the scalability and throughput necessary to make decentralized compute resource sharing possible.

* こちらのイベントは英語と日本語で行われます。



Global Brainと150以上の戦略的投資家から投資を受けたPerlin(は、CEOのDorjee SunとCTO Kenta Iwasakiの進歩的な技術についての考察を発表します。 Perlinは、スマートコントラクト機能を追加したAvalancheコンセンサスプロトコルを使用した実用的なDAGを開発する最初のプロジェクトです。また、チームは分散型のクラウドコンピューティング層をリリースし、日常的なスマートデバイスの中で過小なコンピューティングパワーを活用し、インド政府やTelkomsel(インドネシア最大の通信事業者)と提携しています。

The Next Wave of Distributed Tech. Where do we see the market heading?

The markets are down. So where is the market heading? The market is signalling for a change in focus from blockchain-based projects and a change in sentiment by the community, investors and traders. The discussion panel will consist of high-profile speakers discussing key topics on where we think the market is heading, what projects should be focused on and the current leading trends.

Perlin (, who received investment from Global Brain and 150+ strategic investors, will be providing an exclusive insight into their progress tech by the CEO Dorjee Sun and CTO Kenta Iwasaki. Perlin is the first project to develop a practical DAG using the Avalanche consensus protocol with added smart-contract functionality. In parallel, the team is also releasing a decentralized cloud computing layer to leverage off underutilzed computing power in everyday smart devices and has partnered with the likes of the Indian Government and Telkomsel (Indonesia's Largest Telco).

タイムスケジュール / Time Table

時間 内容 登壇者
18:30 Opening
18:45 Presentation ①(Dorjee Sun) Co-founder & CEO, Perlin
19:00 Presentation ②(Iwasaki Kenta) Co-founder & CTO, Perlin
18:55 Panel Discussion
20:00 懇親会/Networking
21:00 終了

登壇者紹介/ Presenter

Perlin Co-founder & CEO Dorjee Sun

2つの買収と4つの売却を含む20のスタートアップを共同創業した連続社会起業家。 また、Carbon Conservationと世界経済フォーラム(WEF)Young Global Leaderの仕事のためにTIME Hero of the Environmentに任命され、ウォールストリートジャーナル、TIME誌、フォーチュン、フォーブス、その他のメディアのトップページに取り上げられました。

Dorjee is a serial social entrepreneur who has co-founded 20 startups with 2 acquisitions and 4 exits. Dorjee was also named a TIME Hero of the Environment for his work on Carbon Conservation and a World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leader where his work has been on the front page of Wall Street Journal, TIME magazine, Fortune, Forbes and other media outlets.

Dorjee Sun, will present Perlin's vision to bring economic incentives to aid mainstreaming by renting their mobiles and under utilised compute devices as well as creating the marketplace that can direct benefit to cancer research, ocean big data computation and even forest conservation.

Perlin Co-founder & CTO Kenta Iwasaki

分散システム、暗号、数学、およびAI / MLに関して優れた研究背景を持つ優秀なソフトウェアエンジニアです。 以前、ネイバー社のリードAIリサーチャーとして働いたり、ETH Denver、EOS、IBMなどで国際的に認知された20以上のハッカソンで受賞した経歴を持っています。

Kenta is an outstanding software engineer with a heavy research background on distributed systems, cryptography, mathematics and AI/ML. Kenta previously worked as the Lead AI Researcher at Naver Corp and has won over 20 internationally recognized hackathons at ETH Denver, EOS, IBM and others.

With close to 1 year of technical dev, the Perlin tech team has been dilligently hitting our tech milestones. Kenta will be providing an exclusive insight into Perlin's core offerings;

(1) Wavelet, the first practical Directed-Acyclic-Graph (DAG) bootstrapped with the Avalanche consensus protocol and a novel implementation of proof-of-stake (PoS) with smart-contract functionality

(2) An exclusive live demo of Perlin's decentralized compute layer

パネルディスカッション / Discussion Panel

The panel will consist of high-profile speakers on 'The Next Wave of Distributed Tech' who have been in this space for several years. The current market climate has signalled the need for a change in focus from blockchain-based projects and a change in sentiment by the community, investors and traders. Learn from key experts as to where the market is heading, what projects should be focusing on, the current leading trends and what the community, investors and traders should be focusing on.


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場所: Neutrino Tokyo 住所: 東京都渋谷区桜丘町12-10 住友不動産渋谷インフォスアネックス1階


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