E2E Test Automation Day 2019 with Selenium (Osaka)

2019/07/20(土)13:00 〜 19:00 開催


E2E Test Automation Day 2019 with Selenium

(English follows Japanese.)

主催者からのご挨拶 : Intro from organizer

Woohyeok Kim : Software Engineer at Rakuten, Inc.

「E2E Test Automation Day 2019」では、日本Seleniumユーザーコミュニティ関西ブランチが初めて開催するイベントとして、東京から3名の専門家を招待し、2019年の数々の大きなトピックスや専門家との質疑応答また4月東京で開催された「SeleniumConf」の参加レポートなどE2E(End-to-End)テスト自動化にご興味のあるみなさまに、暑い夏の日に貴重な思い出をプレゼントします。


'E2E Test Automation Day 2019' is an event Japan Selenium User Community Kansai Branch, newly established, holds as the first time on West Japan. To celebrate the first, we especially invited three specialists from Tokyo.
The main topic will be the report of the last SeleniumConf, the latest information of test automation field.
We also provide some charming sessions such as main sessions from specialists, Q&A, discussion with all of attendees and lightening talks.

There will be food and drinks after the sessions, so please have fun and meet our staffs and other participants.

All main sessions are provided in Japanese. But you can also give LT talk in English and have a discussion with attendees who can speak English or our staffs. This event is for ALL OF US.



Ito Nozomi : CEO at TRIDENT, Inc.

機械学習を活用した自動テストサービス「Magic Pod」を運営するTRIDENTの代表取締役。日本Seleniumユーザーコミュニティの運営もしている。


Title Contents
Appiumを製品のコアに活用する Appiumをバックエンドに活用している自動テストサービス(Magic Pod)の開発・運営の中で、Appiumを使いやすく・安定して使うために行なっている独自の工夫や、風変わりなアプローチを紹介します。
※ この講演は、6/15にAppium Confで行う講演の内容を日本語で焼き直したものになります。

Masanori Kawarada(Mark)

SeleniumConf Tokyo運営チーム。QAエヴァンジェリストとして社内外で品質啓蒙活動に勤しむ。六本木の某金融系スタートアップで働いているのに、海外カンファレンスの参加費用を捻出するために家賃32,000円の風呂無しアパートに住む独身庶民。ミニマリストとして毎日新聞に載ったことがある。楽天PointClubダイヤモンド会員。 執筆記事:コミッターが語るSeleniumのいま,そして未来 ―「Selenium Committer Day 2017」レポート(技術評論社)https://gihyo.jp/news/report/2017/07/2601

Title Contents
ポスト「テスト自動化」を見据えて〜水平思考と探索的テストの世界〜 テスト自動化がQA界隈に浸透してから数年が経ちました。今年4月には公式国際カンファレンスSeleniumConf Tokyoも開催され、テスト自動化は「当たり前」のものとなってきた……はずです。しかしながら、国内の勉強会を見渡してみると、まだまだ「テスト自動化をいかに導入するか、そのメリットは何か」また「プログラミングできない要員でも使えるような商用ツール」の話が多いようです。(※個人の感想です。)

Yadori Yohei : Assistant Manager at Rakuten, Inc.

楽天ランキンググループのアシスタントマネージャー兼フロントエンドチームのテックリード。 現在は全仕事時間の90%をチームの成長に集中しています。

Title Contents
自動化テストを始める前に Selenium Conference Tokyo 2019にて、チームメンバーのKim君が自動化テストへの想いや苦労、体験を語ってくれました。今回はチームのテックリードの立場から如何にして自動化テストをチームに受け入れ浸透させていったかをお話しします。自動化テストを始めるお膳立てについてのお話です。

Sekine Yasufumi : Software Engineer at mercari, Inc.


Title Contents


コンテンツ 要約 時間 発表者
開場・受付 12:30
ご挨拶 Seleniumユーザーグループの紹介
13:00 Kim Woohyeok(Rakuten Inc)
Main Session1 To be announced 13:30 Sekine Yasufumi(mercari Inc)
Main Session2 自動化テストを始める前に 14:00 Yadori Yohei(Rakuten Inc)
休憩 14:30
Main Session3 Appiumを製品のコアに活用する 14:50 Ito Nozomi(TRIDENT Inc)
Main Session4 探索的テストの世界 15:20 Masanori Kawarada
休憩 15:50
Talk Session スピーカーとの何でもQ&A
16:00 All
みんなのLT 参加者ご自身の経験や工夫をみんなんと一緒に共有 16:30 希望者
懇親会 お酒と軽食を片手に懇親会! 17:20
閉会 19:00


テスト自動化に対する自分の考えや経験などを参加者のみなさまと共有したい方、 是非お申込みください。(LT枠は9人 X 5分です。)


順番 タイトル 発表者
1 Introducing Cypress Shiiba Mitsuyuki(Rakuten, Inc.)
2 水平思考の世界 mkwrd
3 Seleniumの実装をサポート。TestAssistantProのご紹介。 Ishikawa Tatsuya
4 Groovyなテストツール Kitamura Kandai
5 Effective Android UI Testing Lindsay, Diarmaid
6 TBU 募集中
7 TBU 募集中
8 TBU 募集中
9 TBU 募集中


エンジニア(Web, Test, QAなど)



楽天株式会社 大阪支社 様




2019年7月20日(土)13:00~19:00 (受付 12:30~13:00/途中退場可) ※12:30前のご来館はお控えくださいますようお願いいたします。

楽天株式会社 大阪支社

■入館方法: 住友不動産中之島ビル9Fまでおこしください。



予定が変更になり、都合がつかなくなった場合には、速やかに参加をキャンセルされるか、イベント管理者にご連絡ください。 参加枠を確保しているにも関わらず不参加の方や、当日キャンセルをされる方は、次回以降の参加をお断りさせていただく場合がございます。



Slack : seleniumjpチャットルームの#kansaibranchチャネル
Twitter : @seleniumjp or @woosyume (DMご送付の際はフォロー不要です)


Main Sessions

Nozomi Ito : CEO at TRIDENT, Inc.

Nozomi Ito is the CEO of TRIDENT, Inc which mainly deals with test automation application 'Magic Pod' based on machine learning technique. He also shows great leadership at Japan Selenium User Community as a head.

Author:「Introduction of Selenium - Advanced」「Basic Guide of System Test Automation」

Title Contents
How we use Appium as our product's core library Appium is very useful tool, but that does not mean everyone can use it without any effort.
Users sometimes need to tweak command parameters, and the version upgrade of Appium or dependent platform sometimes causes problems.
As the lead developer of a cloud testing service using Appium as its backend, I have been managing these problems with various measures.
In this session, I introduce especially unique ones of all these measures.
※ This session is reworked version in Japanese (Eng : AppiumConf(15/06/2019) in India)

Masanori Kawarada(Mark)

Masanori Kawarada is a member of SeleniumConf Tokyo Organizer Team and a QA evangelist who provides quality-related talks both inside and outside his company. In spite of working for a financial startup in Roppongi, he's a poor bachelor living in a 32,000 yen flat without a bath to cover the costs of attending international conferences. He has appeared in Mainichi Shimbun as a minimalist. He holds the Rakuten Diamond membership.

Title Contents
Post “TEST AUTOMATION”—— Lateral Thinking & Exploratory Testing —— It has been several years since test automation has been known among the QA engineers. In April of this year, the official SeleniumConf Tokyo conference was held, and test automation has become “common” for sure... However, when we look at QA/test meetups in Japan, there are still many stories such like “What are the benefits of implementing test automation?” or “Our commercial automation tools that can be used by non-programmers”. ( Personal impression.)
On the other hand, at the 5 international conferences I have attended over the last 3 years, the introduction stage of testing automation, agile, and CI/CD is over, and the attendees are excited with the “Advanced” talks like “How to manage automated test teams”, “Results and know-how of promoting test automation in medical manufacturers or block chain industries”, “We’ve Automated These New Things for the IoT Era” and so on. (
Personal experience.)
Because it’s frustrating just to keep up with the rest of the world, the “Later” of test automation will be talked in this session. Specifically, it’s about the idea of Lateral Thinking and the Exploratory Testing based on that strange thinking way. Although Exploratory Testing has already performed in many projects, of course, it’s not often used with an deep understanding of the philosophy. So this short talk will probably soon change your view of Exploratory Testing, and give you a hint of ideas that you can leverage over the next few decades. (* Personal hype.)

Yohei Yadori : Assistant Manager at Rakuten, Inc.

Yohei Yadori is an assistant manager at Rakuten and tech leader at Ranking Service Group. He always works hard to lead his team ranking service group frontend team to success. Recent issue he has is how can he maximize the team's performance. He uses the 90% of working time to come true that.

Title Contents
Introducing the automated test to your team On SeleniumConf2019 Tokyo, our team member Woohyeok Kim gave a session about team performance improvement he achieved with E2E test automation. In this time, I'm gonna get closed to it on the other aspect, with perspective of tech leader who accepted and supported his trial. This session is for anyone who hesitates to introduce test automation project and who wanna know what is necessary when we automates the test.

Yasufumi Sekine : Software Engineer at mercari, Inc.

Yasufumi Sekine is a primary engineer at Automation/QA group of mercari, Inc. He promotes a variety of automation related projects on the field of Web/Android. To expand his valuable experience globally, he is recently concentrating on studying English.

Title Contents
(Tentative)Comparison of the latest web test automation tools.
(Tentative)Test Automation with multi-browser
(Tentative) The importance of UI Test is getting increased continuously. So some of innovative tools made a debut for satisfying anyone who wanna accomplish quality assurance with it. I'm gonna explain the characteristics each tool has and give a brief insight of how to choose an appropriate tool based on your situation and needs.
(Tentative) Since Selenium WebDriver has moved to a W3C recommendation, it can provide you with several more useful options. The one of the options is supporting automated test with multi-browser. In this session, I'm gonna share my experience of how could I implemented the automated test with it.


Contents Summary Start Speaker
Open 12:30
Intro Introduce Japan Selenium User Community
Introduce sponsor
Reporting of the last SeleniumConf2019 Tokyo
13:00 Woohyeok Kim(Rakuten Inc)
Main Session1 To be announced 13:30 Yasufumi Sekine(mercari Inc)
Main Session2 Introducing the automated test to your team 14:00 Yohei Yadori(Rakuten Inc)
Break 14:30
Main Session3 How we use Appium as our product's core library 14:50 Nozomi Ito(TRIDENT Inc)
Main Session4 The load to the Exploratory test 15:20 Masanori Kawarada
Break 15:50
Talk Session Q&A with speakers
Discussion with all the attendees
16:00 All
LT Session Sharing knowledge and experience of applicants 16:30 Applicants
Beer Bash Gathering with drink (alcohol) and light food! 17:20
Close 19:00

Application for LT(Lightening Talk)

We wait for your application about LT(Lightening Talk)
(9ppl X 5minutes)

Schedule of LT Sessions

No Title Speaker
1 Introducing Cypress Shiiba Mitsuyuki(Rakuten, Inc.)
2 LATERAL THINKING: An Introduction mkwrd
3 Support implementation with Selenium. Introduce TestAssistantPro Tatsuya Ishikawa
4 Groovy test fixture Kitamura Kandai
5 Effective Android UI Testing Lindsay, Diarmaid
6 TBU 募集中
7 TBU 募集中
8 TBU 募集中
9 TBU 募集中

Eligible Person

Engineers who are interested in the field of Web, Test or QA etc.
Managers who hesitates to introduce test automation.
Anyone interested in the field of test automation.


Rakuten, Inc Osaka Branch


・Please bring your business card.
・Contents may change without notice.
・We may refuse participants who are not eligible.
・Please notify us of cancellations.

Place / Time

20/07/2019 (Sat) 13:00~19:00 ※Reception opens from 12:30~13:30/Leaving early accepted ※Please avoid arriving before 12:30

Rakuten, Inc., Osaka Branch Keihan Nakanoshima Line -Watanabebashi Station 【Exit 4】 1 min walk
Osaka Metro Yotubashi Line – Higobashi Station 【Exit 3】 2 min walk
Osaka Metro Midosuji Line – Yodoyabashi Station
JR Tozai Line – Kitashinchi Station 【Exit 11-5】 7 min walk
JR Osaka Station 【Exit 51】 12 min walk

■ How to enter: Please come to Sumitomo Nakanoshima Building, 9F

Inquiry about this event

Please contact us via the followings.

Slack : #kansaibranch channel in seleniumjp workspace
Twitter @seleniumjp or @woosyume (no need to follow when you send DM)


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