Frontrend x Chrome Tech Talk Night Extended
Related Event
Name | Frontrend x Chrome Tech Talk Night Extended |
Theme | Chrome |
Orginizer | CyberAgent, Inc. |
Date | Wednesday October 30th, 19:00 - 23:00 (Open 18:00) |
Venue | Shibuya Markcity 13F Seminar Room |
Seating | 300 |
Speakers | Paul Irish, Addy Osmani, Jake Archibald |
Pricing | Free! |
Time | Contents |
18:00 | Open |
19:00 | Lightning Talks from CyberAgent Developers |
19:30 | Mobile Web Developer Tools: Paul Irish from Google |
20:15 | The Mobile Web Development Workflow: Addy Osmani from Google |
21:00 | Rendering without lumpy bits: Jake Archibald from Google |
21:45 | Beer Bash!!!!! |
23:00 | Close |
Lightning Talks
CyberAgent Developers, 5mins x 5
(Update soon.)
Mobile Web Developer Tools
The mobile web has moved fast and the developer tools are keeping pace. In this session, Paul will give you an overview of how to effectively use the developer tools in Chrome to evaluate performance, fix bugs, and develop your site quickly. We'll cover all sorts of performance techniques, getting remote debugging very quickly, and how to emulate some mobile features if you don't have a phone around.
Paul Irish / +PaulIrish / @paul_irish
Paul Irish is Developer Advocate for Chrome. He's thinking a lot about how to make you more productive with tools that improve your workflow help you make slicker, sexier, mobile web apps. He works on tools like Modernizr, Yeoman, HTML5 Please, CSS3 Please, and other bits and bobs of open source code.
The Mobile Web Development Workflow
Building for today's mobile web, getting a fluid 60fps across all target devices, while still delivering an amazing user experience is a huge challenge. We'll dive into all the tools for development, testing, and performance evaluation of mobile webapps. Understand how best to develop with immediate feedback from the mobile devices you're targetting, scale up complexity to avoid hard performance decisions later.
We'll also review all the possibilities of device testing locally and in the cloud. You'll walk away from the session with a solid overview of the landscape of mobile web tooling and feel confident returning to your projects.
Addy Osmani / +AddyOsmani / @addyosmani
Addy works on the Chrome Developer Relations team, focusing on tools to help improve developer productivity and satisfaction. He's the lead engineer on Yeoman, a set of tools for automating developer workflow, contributes to the Chrome DevTools and is passionate about improving tooling for the mobile web.
Outside of Google, Addy enjoys both hacking on open-source projects like TodoMVC and writing. He has authored books on JavaScript design patterns and frameworks and also has a new chapter on mobile web rendering performance in the next Smashing Book.
Rendering without lumpy bits
Right, we’ve got a new project, we have to calculate and draw 500,000 pixels, and the deadline is in 16.67 milliseconds. When we’re done, we’ll do it again, and again. Web performance has always been about delivering those pixels on time, but the target has shifted. Optimising pure JavaScript (loops, string concatenation arithmetic) is more irrelevant than ever, performance gains are to be found in the DOM, layout dependencies, and the interaction with the GPU.
We’ll look at a series of real-world rendering issues and how to combat them, understanding why particular hacks work, and how sometimes working against the browser can trick it into performing better. Covering basic html layout and animation, GPU interaction and high-dpi (retina) considerations across browsers and devices.
Jake Archibald / +jakearchibald / @jaffathecake
Jake works in Google Chrome’s developer relations team, working on specs, testing implementations, and ensuring developers have tools to make their jobs less painful. He’s a big fan of time-to-render optimisations, progressive enhancement, and all of that responsive stuff.
Prior to Google, Jake worked at Lanyrd on their mobile web site, and for the BBC working on JavaScript libraries and standards. Outside of the web, Jake likes F1 and nice beer.
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