DevFest + Gdays George Town 2014

2014/11/15(土)09:00 〜 2014/11/16(日)18:00 開催


While tickets are sold out, we still accept walk-in participants, as long as venue permits. Do come by and we will try to accommodate you.

Because Awesomeness Comes in Pair
This year, GDG & GBG George Town proudly presents to you, the DevFest / Gdays George Town 2014.

DevFest George Town is a community organized event with sessions & code labs for developers, students, startups and anyone interested to learn the latest trends and technical knowledge of Google & open source technologies. This year, GDG DevFest George Town 2014 focus on Android, Android Wear & Polymer.

GDays is the annual conference that aims to bring together professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, startups, programmers and students to learn and share insights on innovation for the future. Participants will learn about how innovation has helped startups, businesses, communities achieve greater impact.

For more details, please visit:

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