An evening on Digital Painting and Sketching

2015/02/10(火)19:00 〜 20:30 開催


Fast sketching and storytelling
by Preetam Rai

Whiteboard, markers and Post-its are probably the simplest media we can utilize to illustrate our ideas. Join us as we explore how we can use such humble objects to convey ideas and encourage participation in a meeting or discussion. We will explore fast sketching and storytelling.


Using the iPad for digital sketching and painting with Procreate App
by Ivan Chew

Ivan will share how he uses the iPad for sketching and painting. Specifically, he will talk about what he has learned using an app called Procreate, highlighting its features and some application of digital art techniques.


Tracing and painting in Adobe Illustrator
by Leon LIm

Leon will share convert a bitmap image into a vector object using the Live Trace feature. He will also show some of the tools that you can use in Adobe Illustrator to paint your artwork.



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