Docker Meetup Tokyo #5

2015/08/19(水)19:00 〜 22:30 開催


Docker Meetup Tokyo #5

今回はDocker IncのNathan、CoreOSのKesley、KismaticのPatrick、そしてTreasure Dataの中川さんを迎えた濃いー内容のDocker Meetupです!

Docker for Developer Experience

Nathan LeClaire, Docker Inc.

Docker is a popular container technology but it is also a group of people building tools for mass innovation. Come see Nathan LeClaire, open source engineer at Docker Inc., speak about how Docker is making life easier for developers everywhere.

Building Distributed Systems with CoreOS

Kelsey Hightower, CoreOS

Building distributed systems is hard, but with the right components just about anyone can get started. At the heart of any distributed system is the underlying infrastructure, which often includes a collection of servers, a central configuration and lock service, and a scheduler to manage your workloads.

CoreOS provides all of these components starting with the base OS, CoreOS Linux; a minimal OS optimized for running Linux containers. Next is the central key value store, etcd, which provides shared configuration, service discovery, and a cluster wide lock service built on top of the Raft consensus algorithm for high-availability. Finally, fleet is a distributed init system that ties it all together and provides low level workload scheduling. fleet is often used to install higher level workload distribution systems such as Mesos or Kubernetes.

All of these projects are open source and part of growing community. Come learn how they work and how you can get involved.

Docker and Fluentd

Masahiro Nakagawa, Treasure Data




  • Docker Meetup Tokyo


  • Docker Inc


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