UX Talk Tokyo #30 : "AI for designers" by James Bowskill & "Agile UX and branding" by Alexander Auld

2016/09/13(火)19:00 〜 21:00 開催


September's UX Talk will be in a new bigger venue. Thanks to Pivotal for agreeing to host the event.

As usual, there will be two presentations:
1) AI for designers by James Bowskill
AI is the hot topic at the moment, but what does it mean for designers? How is AI going to affect the way we work, and what new skills are we going to need to design it? James will share his findings and demo thegrid.io, the long awaited tool that promises “no more reliance on web designers”.
James is the Creative Director at aco-tokyo.com, a digital design and consulting firm based in Gotanda. He’s recently returned to Tokyo after 3 years in London.

2) Agile UX and branding by Alexander Auld
Alexander will talk about large project he worked on recently which used agile UX methods and involved branding.
Alexander is originally from New Zealand. He is Lead Product Designer at Moneytree KK.

Then there will be networking until 9pm.

It's an open, inclusive group. Anyone interested in UX is welcome.


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