Going global

2018/06/14(木)15:00 〜 21:00 開催


The World Innovations Forum is an annual event for entrepreneurs, corporate intrapreneurs, investors, enablers and economic growth officers. VISION: We see a world where equality in prosperity is possible for all nations by strengthening innovation and entrepreneurship in every country. We conduct the World Innovations Forum online so that entrepreneurs from any nation around the globe can participate. The event will be carried out in Eastern and Western hemisphere blocks of 4 hours respectively. In Japan, sessions will be from 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm.

The last day with focus on Japan and Korea will be broadcasted as public viewing event from fabbit Aoyama.

EVENT THEME: GOING GLOBAL The Society3 founders took three companies global. Now helping other entrepreneurs to do that too - and even faster. The World Innovations Forum 2018 topic is all about going global.


• As an entrepreneur you may get inspired to grow you business bigger than you thought and go global much earlier than you could imagine. Learn how 27 Society3 country organizations can help you grow. • As an investor see new opportunities to invest and maybe better ways to ensure your return on investment. Learn from top investors how they select companies, conduct do due diligence and nurture the teams going forward. • As an enabler you may see all new opportunities to support entrepreneurs on their way to go global. Hear how mentors, co-working spaces, accelerators, technology provider support innovative businesses. • As an economic development officer Find out what the most successful countries do differently and how they attract talents from all over the world.

A UNIQUE FORMAT We run 12 sessions in 4 hours each day for 3 days. Due to the time differences we conduct two events each day, one for the Eastern Hemisphere and one for the Western Hemisphere. Attendees can go in and out of the session at any time. Once you have your login information you are free to use it during all three days. Presenters, discussion groups and everybody asking a question can be seen on live video. It's almost as good as in person. Please read more about the agenda and register for the event here: http://society3.com/WIF18-Japan

Public Viewing at fabbit Aoyama You can watch all other sessions ONLINE and for the last session, we invite you to attend this unique event at fabbit Aoyama. fabbit Aoyama is Japan’s leading co-working space provider and is itself striving to go global. Please reserve your spot here. Seats are limited to 70 people only. Entrance fee is free. Location: What: Public Viewing of Final Day When: June 14, 3.00 pm to 9.00 pm Location: fabbit Aoyama

Agenda: 3.00 pm Doors open 3.30 pm Start Please check the link for detailed agenda, topics will be “Go Global for Japan and Korea” and we have some great start-up pitches as well as other in-depth insights for you. 7.30 pm Program end and Networking 9.00 pm Finish World Innovations Forum

About Event https://society3.com/_/web/Events/wiforum2018/index.cfm?src=Japan


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