
2018/06/24(日)12:00 〜 14:00 開催






Calling all women and non-binary people! This is a meet-up for beginners (those who haven't coded before or are getting started), professionals, and everyone in between. Please bring your laptop!

We will also have Arduinos (basically little motherboards) to work with-- try hands-on coding and program a little computer in your hand; the same hardware they stick up in satellites! There will be beginning programming challenges and help for those interested.

MALE ALLIES! We ask that those who identify as male be either invited by an attendee or brings someone who is a women or non-binary! The more the merrier.

What does non-binary mean? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genderqueer)

This meetup is to encourage women and non-binary people who want to learn how to code, are learning how to code, or already working to come out to our meetups, meet each other, and form a community.

This event will happen before the regular "Tokyo Developers Meetup" event (https://www.meetup.com/devjapan/events/). Feel free to stay for that as well.

We will be in Cookpad offices!

This is a cross-posting of this event: https://www.meetup.com/devjapan/events/251061237/

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I come? I have never coded before/I'm scared to come/Are you really sure it's for beginners? ---> YES! Stop living life being so afraid of everything. :)

  • Can I come? I'm a man. ---> YES! But we ask that you try to encourage a female friend to join us!

  • What should I bring? ---> We code with our laptops. So yes, you should definitely bring a laptop.

  • I'm a beginner, I don't know where to start. ----> Come to the event and ask someone to advice on how to get started.

This event is a collection of various groups: DevJapan, Code Chrysalis, and Tokyo.AnitaB.org.


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