KonaSearch: Salesforceのための検索エンジン

2018/10/25(木)13:30 〜 15:00 開催


  • 13:30-15:00 KonaSearch
  • 15:00-15:30 ネットワーキング/Networking



この90分のセミナーは英語で行われ、通訳者が日本語に通訳します。Basis TechnologyのCEOカール・ホフマン氏によるイント口ダクションや質疑応答の時間も設けております。 プレゼンテーションの後、ネットワーキングレセプションにもご参加ください。https://www.basistech.jp/event/partner-seminars-tokyo-2018/

申込み方法: こちらのフォームに必要事項をご記入のうえご登録ください。 https://goo.gl/ou5WuQ

Salesforce is a traditional relational database “unfortunately” populated predominantly with text. This is why traditional approaches for finding information in Salesforce often fall short. Database languages filter on numbers and dates but require exact matches for text. Google-like search can find similar text in documents, but does not understand database structure or strong data types.

Salesforce requires capabilities from both. In this session, you will learn what they are and how to use them to improve your search and analysis experience in your Salesforce environment.

A user can install and run KonaSearch in minutes. The index is multi-tenanted by default in Kona’s own virtual private cloud in Amazon AWS, but customers can demand their own dedicated VPC index, or install Kona on premise behind their firewall. KonaSearch has passed 2 InfoSec audits.

Basis Technology CEO, Carl Hoffman, will kick-off this 90 minute seminar. Stay with us at the end of the presentation for some networking time. https://www.basistech.com/event/partner-seminars-tokyo-2018/

To register, please fill in the following form: https://goo.gl/ou5WuQ


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