【MOBI×ShareRing】Blockchain x Mobility / シェアエコの最新動向

2019/07/16(火)19:00 〜 21:30 開催



イベント概要 / Event Overview

このたび、ブロックチェーンを活用したシェアリングサービス「ShareLedger」を展開するShareRing社と世界的に有名な自動車メーカーのBMWやフォード、ルノー等によって設立された「MOBI(Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative)」との共催イベントを開催いたします。
本イベントでは、MOBIのアドバイザーを務めるFukao氏によりMOBIの概要や最新動向について、ShareRing社 CEOのTim氏によりブロックチェーンが観光や自動車産業へどのようなインパクトを与えていくのか等についてお話をする予定です。

ブロックチェーンがモビリティやSharing Economyの領域でどのように活用され、既存の産業に変革をもたらしていくのか。本領域へ関心のある方はぜひご参加ください。


タイムテーブル/ Time Table

時間 コンテンツ 登壇者
18:30 - 19:00 会場・受付 -
19:00 - 19:30 MOBIの概要と最新動向について Sanshiro Fukao
19:30 - 20:00 How Blockchain can improve the travel and mobility industries. Tim Bos
20:00 - 20:15 Q&A -
20:15 - 21:30 懇親会・ネットワーキング -


登壇者 / Speaker

Sanshiro Fukao, Advisor, Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI)

Sanshiro FUKAO was born in Tokyo, Japan, in 1981. After having graduated from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 2003, he has worked for Nomura Securities, HSBC and global hedge funds as senior equity analyst focusing on multiple sectors in Asia. He has been a senior research analyst of automobiles at Bank of Yokohama Group since 2013. As a Japanese opinion leader in automobile industry, he delivers lectures to corporate management and local authorities in Japan/Asia. He recently published a book titled ‘Mobility 2.0 – Smartphonisationof Automobiles’ from Nikkei Publishing Inc. in Japan. He is also an Advisor to Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI).

Tim Bos , CEO and Cofounder , ShareRing

Tim has over 20 years’ experience working with start-ups and established enterprises with a focus on technology. Tim is co-founder and CEO of ShareRing, a blockchain based company that's focused on changing the landscape of the fragmented sharing economy. Tim brings intelligence and wit when on stage captivating the audiences he speaks to. Tim has previously held senior roles with a number of widely recognised and respected organisations, including Avanade Australia (a Microsoft and Accenture joint venture), Barclays Capital investment bank, GE Capital, and Atari – Melbourne House. Tim Bos also established his first start-up, bioWatch Australia in July 2004, with the purpose of building a software framework for tracking valuable assets around the globe. He sold the company to Procon MRM in the USA in 2008. Tim also co-founded Keaz in 2013. Keaz has developed a world leading mobility platform for the purpose of sharing vehicles and assets globally.

スポンサー / Sponsor

  • Mainsponsor : MOBI(mobility open blockchain initiative​)、ShareRing
  • Subsponsor : Quantstamp, Inc.

MOBI(mobility open blockchain initiative​)

MOBI is a nonprofit smart mobility consortium working with forward thinking companies, governments, and NGOs to make mobility services more efficient, affordable, greener, safer, and less congested by promoting standards and accelerating the adoption of blockchain, distributed ledger, and related technologies in the mobility industry.

Blockchains will increasingly impact the provision of mobility services since it enables business networks to reduce the cost of coordinating their activities. MOBI hopes to build a worldwide network of cities, infrastructure providers, consumers, and producers of mobility services in order to hasten the adoption of this technology and realize its many potential benefits.


ShareRing is launching a blockchain powered ecosystem and marketplace in April 2019 that will essentially empower the entire scope of the rental and sharing industry with a vision to increase social sustainability. This will be achieved through promoting the re-utilization of assets, where 95 per cent of the world’s assets sit idle, and by decreasing global waste.

ShareRing aims to become the one-stop shop for all rental and sharing needs, allowing users to book assets and services on-demand, all under one app and web platform. It will centralise shareable and rental assets by bringing on business providers in these sectors, across targeted geographies and industries that will begin in Melbourne, Australia.

注意 / Attention

  • 今回のイベントはブロックチェーンの健全な発展に貢献するためのものであり投資に関するものではありません。また、本イベントでは、主催者よりイベントの様子を写真・動画等で撮影させていただく場合がございます。撮影された写真・動画などは、各メディアでの掲載の可能性がある他、Twitter等のSNSへ配信いたします。映り込みなどされる可能性がございますので、あらかじめご了承くださいませ。
  • 投資・投資勧誘が目的でのご来場はご遠慮ください。会場内にてそのような行為を発見した場合はご退場いただく場合があります。
  • 上記の理由によりこれまでのイベントで来場をお断りした方の参加はお断りさせていただきます。

アクセス / Access

場所: Neutrino Tokyo 住所: 東京都渋谷区桜丘町12-10 住友不動産渋谷インフォスアネックス1階 ビルの入り口は2階になっております。 建物に入ったら、エレベーターで1階におりてください。渋谷駅から徒歩6分

Venue:Neutrino Tokyo 12-10 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Sumitomo Real Estate Shibuya Infos Annex 1st floor (6 minutes walk from Shibuya station) The entrance of the building is on the second floor. When you enter the building, come down to the first floor by a lift.


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