トークナイト: JavaScript for IoT & Functional Programming Mentality

2019/10/28(月)19:00 〜 21:30 開催
参加枠申込形式参加費 参加者
先着順 無料 0人 / 定員20人


JavaScript for IoT & Functional Programming Mentality 


二人のスピーカーが登場して、JavaScript と Functional Programming Mentality についてトークを行います。

Welcome to Code Chrysalis Talk Night!

We have 2 awesome speakers lined up for the night talking about JavaScript for IoT, and Functional Programming Mentality. We'll also have a Q&A and networking. Check the schedule and talk details below!

The event is free to join, and open for anyone interested in the topics.

19:00: Doors open
19:30: Introductions
19:35 - 20:10: JavaScript for IoT, Q&A
20:10 - 20:45: Functional Programming Mentality, Q&A
20:50 - 21:30 Networking
21:30: END

JavaScript for IoT

Stefano will introduce Johnny-Five, a JS library that allows to write programs for Robotics and IoT. After explaining what this library does and how, he will show step-by-step how to setup the environment with a TESSEL-2 board. To do this, we will follow a live example. The talk will also demonstrate how flexible JS is as a language.

This talk is aimed towards anyone who is fascinated by programming software for hardware, but has no idea where to start!

Stefano is a recent graduate from Code Chrysalis 9th cohort. He comes from Italy, speaks multiple languages and currently studies Japanese as well. He's in love with technology and creating things with his hands. Stefano has given this talk before at our BIG MiniConf.

Functional Programming Mentality

Functional Programming (FP) is the second most used programming paradigm. It opposes to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) which intends to over structure and hierarchize every part of the code. FP is about providing a minimalistic structure as lightweight as possible.

For someone coming from OOP, FP pushes your mind to rethink priorities and necessities. Why would you need a class here? Why would you set this variable to private access? Things you do everyday as an OOP programmer aren’t maybe all necessary.

This talk is aimed towards: - OOP Programmers in search of different approaches - Beginners who wish to understand the mentality before the syntactic practice

Julien is a Full-Stack Engineer and entrepreneur who has explored multiple industries during his career, going from video-game development, to digital marketing, sound engineering and SaaS. In 2016, he founded YUMI Group, a holding made of three startup companies in three different segments (game-development, consulting and software engineering).


About Code Chrysalis

Code Chrysalis is a 12-week, full-time advanced coding bootcamp located in the heart of Tokyo. See why we are an industry leader in technical education in Japan.

We put on free workshops and events for the community, so please support us by following us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!

To find out more about us, please go to our website: https://www.codechrysalis.io

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Code Chrysalis は東京を拠点としながらも、シリコンバレー精神を基盤にした12週間の短期集中型ソフトウェアエンジニア養成学校です。Code Chrysalis についてもっと知りたい方は:https://www.codechrysalis.io を見てみてください!

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