Merpay Tech Fest 2022

2022/08/23(火)13:00 〜 2022/08/25(木)18:00 開催


English follows Japanese

Merpay Tech Fest 2022は3日間のオンライン技術カンファレンスです。


Merpay Tech Fest は事業との関わりから技術への興味を深め、プロダクトやサービスを支えるエンジニアリングを知れるお祭りです。


  • 2022.06.30 Merpay Tech Fest 2022 サイトをオープンしました。
  • 2022.07.22 セッション情報を公開しました。
  • 2022.08.04 タイムテーブルを一部変更しました
    「YOUR CHOICEな働き方徹底解剖」:Day3 16:30-17:10→Day2 17:10-17:50
    「Building an Inclusive Multicultural environment at Merpay: Past, Present and Future」:Day2 17:10-17:50→Day3 16:30-17:10



  • トークセッション



Day1: 2022.08.23 Tue.

Time Session title Speaker Twitter Question askers
13:00~ Opening 木村 秀夫 @hidek
13:10~ メルペイエンジニアリングのこれまでとこれから 野澤 貴・木村 秀夫・泉水 翔吾 @nozaq@hidek@1000ch
13:50~ Feature StoreとVertex AIを使った機械学習基盤の実現 Li 鳥越 大輔
14:30~ グラフ理論と不正対策〜つながりをデータから解き明かしたい hmj 鳥越 大輔
15:10~ メルペイが取り組む機械学習システムの品質保証 吉澤 弘 小島 剛
15:50~ 与信領域 Micro Service 小話 giga・mitu・shuuk @mitu217
16:30~ KafkaとFlink SQL on k8sで作るストリーム処理基盤 田中 克典・中村 智行 @painful_2@laughingman7743
17:10~ Design and lead the scalability of tech communities for all tenntenn @tenntenn 野澤 貴
17:50~ Closing

Day2: 2022.08.24 Wed.

Time Session title Speaker Twitter Question askers
13:00~ Opening 木村 秀夫 @hidek
13:10~ 段階的Jetpack Compose導入 〜メルペイの場合〜 松山 純也 shinmiy
13:50~ Credit Card Payment Security: adding 3D Secure SDK for Merpay iOS Mikael LE GOFF 李 蘊潔
14:30~ メルペイにおける決済履歴のいままでとこれから 保坂 勇輔 @Yusukeh19 上田 雅道
15:10~ Tools and Strategies for Frontend UI Libraries Marco Solazzi @dwightjack 杉浦 大輝
15:50~ メルカリグループの認証基盤における、理想と現状、今後の取り組み 狩野 達也 @kokukuma koi
16:30~ メルペイの不正対策を支えるマイクロサービス群をcloud to cloudで移行している話 浅野 潤 @ntk1000 中山 建太
17:10~ YOUR CHOICEな働き方徹底解剖 木村 秀夫・川嵜 靖広・川本 憲典・山岡 亮 @hidek@yasuhiro0212@mountainhill14
17:50~ Closing

Day3: 2022.08.25 Thu.

Time Session title Speaker Twitter Question askers
13:00~ Opening 木村 秀夫 @hidek
13:10~ Kubernetesの上に作る、統一されたマイクロサービス運用体験 tkuchiki @tkuchiki tjun
13:50~ Cloud SpannerとMerpayの歩み sinmetal・apstndb @sinmetal@apstndb
14:30~ QA自動化チームの立ち上げとテスト自動化の現状 高野 純知 @nir_takemi 小林 元樹
15:10~ Microservice Dashboard Introduction and Deep Dive 植草 悠大 @utahta 主森 理
15:50~ 決済基盤の実践話 梁 軍偉 @FoGhost 曹 楨
16:30~ Building an Inclusive Multicultural environment at Merpay: Past, Present and Future Robert Jerovsek・Tim Tosi @CLASSIC_FLAVOR_
  • 体験型コンテンツ


ワークショップを通して、メルペイがどのような技術を使っているのか、開発時に意識しているポイントや考え方に触れることができます。 参加者全員でわいわい楽しみながらバグに立ち向かいましょう。
(個人の PC に開発できる環境を構築していただくことになります。)




2022.08.23 13:00-18:00:トークセッション 19:00-21:30:体験型ワークショップ
2022.08.24 13:00-18:00:トークセッション
2022.08.25 10:00-12:30:体験型ワークショップ 13:00-17:20:トークセッション




右上の「このイベントに申し込む」のボタンから本事前登録をお願いいたします。 視聴用のURLは、申し込み者のみなさまにConnpass経由でメッセージをお送りいたします。


Merpay Tech Fest 2022へのお問い合わせはこちらにご投稿ください。
Merpay Tech Fest 事務局(より順次ご回答いたします。

Merpay Tech Fest 2022 is a 3-day online tech conference held between the 23th and 25th of August.


You will be able to hear Merpay engineers speak about the technologies we use, what kind of problems we tackle, and general tips for building a service at scale.
Not just technology, you will also be able to expand your knowledge of fintech and hear about Merpay as a company. Join us to learn how we are building a fintech service in Japan!


  • 2022.06.30 Merpay Tech Fest 2022 Official web-site opened!
  • 2022.08.04 Part of the timetable has been changed.
    「A Thorough Breakdown of “Your Choice” Working Styles」:Day3 16:30-17:10→Day2 17:10-17:50
    「Building an Inclusive Multicultural environment at Merpay: Past, Present and Future」:Day2 17:10-17:50→Day3 16:30-17:10



  • Talk sessions

This event is held entirely online over three days, August 23, 24, and 25. In sessions hosted by Merpay engineers, you will also have a chance to ask questions during the Q&A time of each session.

Time Table
Please note that the schedule is subject to change. Please understand in advance.

Day1: 2022.08.23 Tue.

Time Session title Speaker Twitter Question askers
13:00~ Opening Hideo Kimura @hidek
13:10~ The Past and Future of Merpay Engineering Takashi Nozawa・Hideo Kimura・Shogo Sensui @nozaq@hidek@1000ch
13:50~ Machine Learning infrastructure using Feature Store and Vertex AI Li Daisuke Torigoe
14:30~ Graph Theory and Anti-Fraud Measures〜Unravel connections between data hmj Daisuke Torigoe
15:10~ ML System quality assurance in Merpay Hiroshi Yoshizawa Go Kojima
15:50~ Microservice Architecture in credit domain giga・mitu・shuuk @mitu217
16:30~ Stream data processing platform using Apache Kafka and Flink SQL on k8s Katsunori Tanaka・Tomoyuki Nakamura @painful_2@laughingman7743
17:10~ Design and lead the scalability of tech communities for all tenntenn @tenntenn Takashi Nozawa
17:50~ Closing

Day2: 2022.08.24 Wed.

Time Session title Speaker Twitter Question askers
13:00~ Opening Hideo Kimura @hidek
13:10~ Phased Implementation of Jetpack Compose at Merpay Junya Matsuyama shinmiy
13:50~ Credit Card Payment Security: adding 3D Secure SDK for Merpay iOS Mikael LE GOFF Celia Li
14:30~ The Past, Present, and Future of Payment History on Merpay Yusuke Hosaka @Yusukeh19 Masamichi Ueta
15:10~ Tools and Strategies for Frontend UI Libraries Marco Solazzi @dwightjack Daiki Sugiura
15:50~ The Ideal and Actual Situation of Mercari Group’s Authentication Foundations and Our Future Initiatives Tatsuya Karino @kokukuma koi
16:30~ Cloud to cloud migration of merpay anti fraud microservices Jun Asano @ntk1000 Kenta Nakayama
17:10~ A Thorough Breakdown of “Your Choice” Working Styles Hideo Kimura・Yasuhiro Kawasaki・Norifumi Kawamoto・Ryo Yamaoka @hidek@yasuhiro0212@mountainhill14
17:50~ Closing

Day3: 2022.08.25 Thu.

Time Session title Speaker Twitter Question askers
13:00~ Opening Hideo Kimura @hidek
13:10~ The Experience of Operating Microservices Built and Unified Using Kubernetes tkuchiki @tkuchiki ​​tjun
13:50~ The Journey of Cloud Spanner and Merpay sinmetal・apstndb @sinmetal@apstndb
14:30~ ​​Launch of QA automation team and current status of test automation Masatomo Takano @nir_takemi Genki Kobayashi
15:10~ Microservice Dashboard Introduction and Deep Dive Yuta Uekusa @utahta Osamu Tonomori
15:50~ Pragmatic Practices of Payment Foundation Junwei Liang @FoGhost Godric Cao
16:30~ Building an Inclusive Multicultural environment at Merpay: Past, Present and Future Robert Jerovsek・Tim Tosi @CLASSIC_FLAVOR_
17:10~ Closing
  • Workshop

In this workshop, all participants work together to fix the bugs we've implanted in the code ahead of time!
Working on the same code base, all participants will look for and fix bugs of various difficulty levels.

Through the workshop, participants will learn what kinds of techniques Merpay engineers use for debugging and be exposed to the key points and concepts that our engineers keep in mind during development work.
We invite all who take part in this workshop to bring their excitement to the task at hand and to have fun!
(Participants are asked to provide their own PC with specs capable of handling development work.)

Note: The workshop will be conducted entirely in Japanese.
To take part in the workshop, in addition to applying to attend Merpay Tech Fest, you must also submit a separate application specifically for this workshop. The details are available on Connpass.


Date & Time

2022.08.23 1:00p.m.–6:00p.m.:Talk sessions 7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.:Workshops
2022.08.24 1:00p.m.–6:00p.m.:Talk sessions
2022.08.25 10:00a.m.-12:30p.m.:Workshops 1:00p.m.-5:20p.m:Talk sessions


This event is held entirely online over three days, August 23, 24, and 25.
In sessions hosted by Merpay engineers, you will also have a chance to ask questions during the Q&A time of each session.
Event organizers are also preparing hands-on contents for a select number of participants to enjoy up close in an online format.

How to attend

Click the “このイベントに申し込む (Register this event)” button in right side upper part of this page and submit your registration or fill out the form to apply!
Note: The workshop will be conducted entirely in Japanese.
To take part in the workshop, in addition to applying to attend Merpay Tech Fest, you must also submit a separate application specifically for this workshop. The details are available on Connpass.


If you have any question, please fill in this form The reply will send from


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