第3回 Patterns of Distributed Systems 読書会

2023/12/16(土)13:00 〜 18:00 開催



  • Patterns of Distributed Systems 読書会

    • 今回はChapter 8 Majority Quorum から読み進めます
  • 進め方

    • 書籍の内容を要約し、それを勉強会で共有して、参加者で議論します
    • 次回分の要約は希望者を募って行います。要約を行わずに参加を継続するだけでも大丈夫です!
    • ラジオのように視聴される方も歓迎です!
      • 声を発するのに抵抗がある方向け
      • 録音はしていません
  • 継続して参加する場合には書籍もしくは電子書籍を購入したほうがいいでしょう

  • 主催 : JavaEE勉強会 創立 2004年 (Java EE勉強会)

    • J2EE(Java EE)に関連した話題を議論する勉強会
    • 2004年8月から月1回のペースで定期的に開催を続けています(第202回目)


  • 以下の招待URLから Discord サーバー javee-study-jp へ参加し、#patterns-of-distributed-systems のチャンネルに参加してください。
  • https://discord.gg/VH7vGAdA


  • 特に準備するものなどは不要です。


時間 内容
~13:00 入室,準備
13:00~13:10 開始の挨拶
13:10~14:00 自己紹介
14:10~15:00 読書会
15:00~15:20 長休憩
15:20~17:50 読書会
17:50~18:00 ふりかえり,退室
18:00~ 雑談、飲み会 (自由参加)


Part I. Narratives
Chapter 1: The Promise and Perils of Distributed Systems
The Limits of a Single Server
Separate Business Logic and Data Layer
Partitioning Data
A Look at Failures
Replication — Masking Failures
Process Crash
Network Delay
Process Pause
Unsynchronized Clocks
Defining the Term “Distributed Systems”
The Patterns Approach
Chapter 2. Overview of the Patterns
Keeping Data Resilient on a Single Server
Competing Updates
Dealing with the Leader Failing
Multiple Failures Need a Generation Clock
Log Entries Cannot Be Committed until They Are Accepted by a Majority Quorum
Followers Commit Based on a High-Water Mark
Leaders Use a Series of Queues to Remain Responsive to Many Clients
Followers Can Handle Read Requests to Reduce Load on the Leader
A Large Amount of Data Can Be Partitioned over Multiple Nodes
Partitions Can Be Replicated for Resilience
A Minimum of Two Phases Are Needed to Maintain Consistency across Partitions
In Distributed Systems, Ordering Can Not Depend on System Timestamps
A Consistent Core Can Manage the Membership of a Data Cluster
Gossip Dissemination for Decentralized Cluster Management
Part II. Patterns of Data Replication
Chapter 3. Write-Ahead Log
Chapter 4. Segmented Log
Chapter 5. Low-Water Mark
Chapter 6. Leader and Followers
Chapter 7. HeartBeat
Chapter 8. Majority Quorum
Chapter 9. Generation Clock
Chapter 10. High-Water Mark
Chapter 11. Paxos
Chapter 12. Replicated Log
Chapter 13. Singular Update Queue
Chapter 14. Request Waiting List
Chapter 15. Idempotent Receiver
Chapter 16. Follower Reads
Chapter 17. Versioned Value
Chapter 18. Version Vector
Part III. Patterns of Data Partitioning
Chapter 19. Fixed Partitions
Chapter 20. Key-Range Partitions
Chapter 21. Two Phase Commit
Part IV. Patterns of Distributed Time
Chapter 22. Lamport Clock
Chapter 23. Hybrid Clock
Chapter 24. Clock-Bound Wait
Part V. Patterns of Cluster Management
Chapter 25. Consistent Core
Chapter 26. Lease
Chapter 27. State Watch
Chapter 28. Gossip Dissemination
Chapter 29. Emergent Leader
Part VI. Patterns of communication between nodes
Chapter 30. Single Socket Channel
Chapter 31. Request Batch
Chapter 32. Request Pipeline


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