【Shippio x Credit Engine】 BaySide Tech Nite
The Bayside Tech Nite aims to boost the international engineering community in Japan. This time we will talk about "Global Organizaiton".
For this event, we will be conducting Lightning Talks (LT) with a broad theme of "Anything and Everything About Global organization.” We are looking forward to seeing engineers all over the world.
Date and Time
- Date: Monday, August. 26, 2023, 19:00-21:00 (Registration 18:30-)
- Place: Coral Beach (12th Floor, Edomizaka Terrace, Toranomon Hills,2-9-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
- Admission: Free
Call for English LT speakers
Also,we are currently rectuiting English LT speakers ! If you are interested in challenging yourself with a LT in English, your walk-in presentation is welcome ! If it’s related to Global Organization, anything is fine but please prepare the materials in English. You will have 5 to 7 mins presentation.
Time Schedule
Time | Content | Speakers |
18:30 ~ | Opening | |
18:30 ~ 19:00 | Reception①※time to enjoy light refreshments with engineers before the start of the Lightning Talks. | |
19:05 ~ 19:12 | LT①: Communicating with Types: Advanced Techniques to Simplify Complex Data Flows for Robust and Maintainable Code | Robert Wawrzyniak |
19:15~ 19:22 | LT②: "Good enough" for a startup: achieve more by doing less in recruiting | Chen Alexander |
19:25 ~ 19:32 | LT③: Let’s Talk - 3 tips on communication in a Japanese-language based working environment | Yeung Eunice |
19:40~ 20:00 | Panel Discussion | Moderator : Anditto Heristyo / Speaker:Yusuke Mukoyama, Chris Ackermann |
20:00 | Reception ② | |
21:00 | Closing |
Japan's first digital forwarder promoting trade DX. With the mission of "To be the compass of logistics innovation”, we address challenges in the international logistics sector, which still has many analog processes, by providing trade systems and international logistics forwarding services.
Credit Engine Group, Inc
Credit Engine, a leading SaaS solutions provider, is dedicated to transforming the lending and borrowing landscape for our esteemed financial sector clients. Our mission is to develop cutting-edge SaaS lending solutions that redefine the industry standard.
Speaker and Moderator
Chris Ackermann | Engineering Manager & Front End Engineer
Chris is a Engineering Manager & Front End Engineer who has been with Shippio for nearly 3 years. Before making the change to software development, he worked in the logistics industry for over 6 years. He is always keen on sharing his unique experiences and views on technology in logistics.
Robert Wawrzyniak | Front End Engineer
As a Staff Engineer and Senior IT Architect with over 15 years of experience, I specialize in digital strategy, product development, and full-stack software engineering. My diverse roles, including Product Manager, Team Lead, Strategy Consultant, and Architect, have equipped me with a broad skill set. I focus on the travel & transport sector and e-commerce, leading innovative solutions and technological advancements. Committed to growth and empowerment, I mentor upcoming talent and develop tools to solve complex challenges and inspire others. I strive to balance business objectives with technological innovation in IT architecture.
Anditto Heristyo | Engineering Manager & Senior Backend Engineer
As an Engineering Manager & Senior Backend Engineer, Anditto leads the development efforts for expanding Shippio’s reach to new shipment stakeholders. Prior to joining 2 years ago, he worked at DG Lab, where he contributed significantly to Bitcoin-related projects.
Credit Engine Group, Inc
Alexander Chen | Chief Engineer
After developing embedded systems and compilers, he joined Credit Engine Co., Ltd. in 2018. Stepping into the financial industry for the first time, he's been involved in developing various systems from loan accounting to UI. His current focus is on addressing the technical debt and establishing a more robust development process.
Yusuke Mukoyama | CPO & Manager of development organization
After working as a freelance engineer on web development and business launch for startups, he co-founded Credit Engine in 2016. As an engineer and product owner, he led product development and business operations, eventually becoming Chief Product Officer. Currently, he oversee the entire product development organization, including engineers, project managers, and designers.
Eunice Yeung | UI Designer
Eunice joined Credit Engine in 2021 after working as a branding designer for 5 years in Hong Kong and a UI/UX designer for 3 years in Japan. As a designer in Credit Engine, she is currently in charged of the back-end operation side, making decisions on functionality specifications and UI alongside the PM and Developer team on a daily basis.
- The content and schedule of the day are subject to change without prior notice.
- The event may be postponed or cancelled due to sudden illness of involved parties, natural disasters, infection, situation, or other reasons.
- Beverages, including alcoholic drinks, and light refreshments will be prepared.
- This event is planned to be held offline. There are no plans to conduct the event online.
- If you have any problems, please contact “Inquiries about this event” below this page.
- All participants, including the organizers, are asked to agree to the code of conduct. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Handling of Personal Information
- Our policy for handling personal information is as follows. Please register and participate in the event only if you agree to this policy.
BaySide Tech Niteは、日本でのインターナショナルなエンジニアリングコミュニティーを盛り上げることを目的にしています。 今回は"Global Organization"をテーマにパネルディスカッションとLTを実施します。会はすべて英語ですが、「英語を勉強したい!話せるようになりたい」という方の参加もWelcomeです!
- 日程:2024年08月26日(月) 19:00〜21:00(受付18:30〜)
- 場所: Coral Beach (東京都港区虎ノ門2-9-1 虎ノ門ヒルズ 江戸見坂テラス 12階)
- 参加費: 無料
English LT登壇者募集
英語でのLTにチャレンジしてみたい方を募集します。Global Organizationに関する話であれば、なんでもOKです。登壇時間は5〜7分程度で、英語での資料作成と登壇準備をお願いします。希望者は申込時のアンケートに回答ください。
Time Schedule
Time | Content | Speakers |
18:30 ~ | 受付開始 | |
18:30 ~ 19:00 | 懇親会①※ライトニングトーク開始前に軽食タイムを設けています | |
19:05 ~ 19:12 | LT①: Communicating with Types: Advanced Techniques to Simplify Complex Data Flows for Robust and Maintainable Code | Robert Wawrzyniak |
19:15~ 19:22 | LT②: "Good enough" for a startup: achieve more by doing less in recruiting | Chen Alexander |
19:25 ~ 19:32 | LT③: Let’s Talk - 3 tips on communication in a Japanese-language based working environment | Yeung Eunice |
19:40~ 20:00 | Panel Discussion | Moderator : Anditto Heristyo / Speaker:Yusuke Mukoyama, Chris Ackermann |
20:00 | 懇親会 ② | |
21:00 | クロージング |
「"かす" をかえる。 "かりる" をかえる。」をミッションに掲げ、オンライン融資システム「CE Loan」、オンライン債権管理回収システム「CE Collection」など、データとテクノロジーで金融機関のデジタル化を実現するサービスを提供しています。
Chris Ackermann | Engineering Manager & Front End Engineer
Robert Wawrzyniak | Front End Engineer
Anditto Heristyo | Engineering Manager & Senior Backend Engineer
2022年11月に入社して以来、エンジニアリング・マネージャー兼シニアバックエンドエンジニアとして、Shippioの新しいステークホルダー拡大に向けた開発をリード。前職であるDG Labでは多くのビットコイン関連のプロジェクト関り、プロジェクトの成功に多大な貢献をする。
Credit Engine Group, Inc
Alexander Chen | Chief Engineer
組み込みシステムやコンパイラの開発を経て、2018年にCredit Engineに入社。自身初となる金融業界で、貸出会計領域の開発からUI設計まで幅広く活躍。現在は技術的負債の解消と、より強固な開発プロセスの確立に注力。
Yusuke Mukoyama | CPO & Manager of development organization
フリーランスエンジニアとしてスタートアップのWeb開発、ブロックチェーン関連ス タートアップでの開発・研究・事業立ち上げ等の経験を経て、2016年にクレジットエンジンを共同創業。エンジニア兼プロダクトオーナーとしてサービス開発・事業を牽引したのち、同社取締役CPO就任。 現在は主にエンジニア・PM・デザイナーといったプロダクト開発関連組織全体のマネジメント。
Eunice Yeung | UI Designer
香港のマーケティング、ブランディング会社にて勤務。 来日後はSIコンサルタント会社のUI/UXデザイナーに転職したことをきっかけに、自社サービスの運用改善に興味を持ち始め、クレジットエンジン入社後はCE Loanの仕様策定やUI設計を担当。
- 当日の内容およびスケジュールは予告なく変更される場合があります。
- 関係者の急病や天災や感染状況などにより、開催を延期または中止する場合がございます。
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