Kickstart Social Enterprise Mixer!
THE PROBLEM: The world is changing at an unprecedented rate, and old frameworks don’t provide satisfactory solutions to the world's most persistent problems.
OUR HYPOTHESIS: Technology is necessary, but not sufficient. For tech solutions to be effective and sustainable, we must develop an entire ecosystem of relationships.
CASE IN POINT: Education in the Philippines. It is stratified, fragmented, limited: low throughput.
OUR RESPONSE? Find out more by joining the Kickstart Social Enterprise Mixer and discover how one social enterprise is going to use music and technology to enhance learning for today's 3-7 year olds.
Sign-up now and help make this AN AWESOME MEETUP between social enterprises and the startup/tech community! And as ever, like we always do in all Kickstart mixers, make friends, swap stories, and help keep the startup conversations flowing. #startupPH
NOTE: Strictly observe RSVP. We are discouraging walk-ins to ensure problem-free entry to the Kickstart Mixer venue.
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