Kichijoji.rb #6: Documents and Editors

2015/09/09(水)19:00 〜 21:00 開催


At this month's meetup, themed "Documents and Editors", we'll have presentations by Kray.js about their document editing service [Docbase]( and some tips and tricks about document editing with editors such as vim and emacs. (More presentations to be added shortly.)

Coffee and soft drinks available (500 yen).


Ask me anything about DocBase (I answer some) by @irohiroki

DocBase is a knowledge management tool provided by KRAY. In this talk, the speaker introduces the service as he helped modeling, code review, and analytics (not developed.)

We are looking for presenters

To propose a talk for this month's meetup, go to the Kichijoji.rb gitter page.

Photo by yukio terasawa, cropped to fit.


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