
2018/06/05(火)19:00 〜 21:30 開催


Over the next few weeks, Code Chrysalis' fourth cohort is giving presentations on their topics of expertise--we can't wait to see you there!

Ever heard about Docker and the term "container orchestration"? A lot of people seems to be talking about Kubernetes, what is that and what problem does it solve?

In this talk, we will first quickly review what is Docker and why container orchestration is important. We will then go over some key concepts in Kubernetes and get a sense of how it works. We will be using examples to show the powerfulness of Kubernetes. There will also be demo of deploying a containerized application on Kubernetes.


Jia works as a system engineer in a Japanese company. He mainly focuses on DevOps and also has some experiences with Java/Spring. He has been working on CI(Continues Integration) tooling and pipelines using Docker, Gitlab, Jenkins for past one year. On his job he speaks Python and Java for most of the time. Off the job, he speaks English and Mandarin Chinese.
Trying hard to pick up more and more Japanese.

【7: 00-7:05】 Brief Self-Introduction
【7: 05-7:40】Introduction of Kubernetes
【7: 40-8:00】 Demo time
【8:00-8:30】 Q&A Conclusions

--About Code Chrysalis--
Code Chrysalis is a 12-week, full-time advanced coding bootcamp located in the heart of Tokyo. See why we are an industry leader in technical education in Japan.

We put on free workshops and events for the community, so please support us by following us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!

To find out more about us, please go to our website: https://www.codechrysalis.io

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