DroidKaigi 2022 セッション相談ミートアップ #2

2022/07/04(月)19:30 〜 21:00 開催


English version is below.


DroidKaigi をご存じでしょうか? 2015年から毎年開催している エンジニアが主役のAndroidカンファレンス です。


DroidKaigi 2022のセッションの準備を行うイベントです


もちろんConnpassで参加しなくても Discord ここからアクセスすると参加できますが、人数の把握のため、可能であれば参加ボタンを押してください。





  • DroidKaigiに興味のある方
  • DroidKaigiに応募したい・・・でもテーマが決まらない
  • プロポーザルをわいわい執筆できる環境がほしい
  • 初心者・学生・社会人問いません。オンラインなのでどこからの参加も歓迎!



見出し 詳細
開催日時 2022年7月4日19:30〜21:00まで相談会を実施しています
場所 DroidKaigi Discord上にて実施


開始 内容
19:30 イベント開始
19:30~19:40 ミートアップの紹介
19:40~21:00 チャットルーム #meetup でわいわいしつつ作業ください。ボイスチャットでも質問していただけます
21:00 イベント終了






  • イベントにはDroidKaigi 行動規範 を適用します。
  • 技術交流が目的の勉強会ですので、知識の共有および、参加者同士の交流を目的としない参加はお断りしております。
  • 参加目的が不適切だと判断される場合には、運営側で参加をキャンセルさせていただく場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • Discord会場は飲食OKです。入退室も自由です


Event summary

Have you heard of DroidKaigi? It is an annual Android conference organized by developers since 2015. In addition, we also regularly hold community events to network and share information on Android and its related technologies.

We are currently accepting speaker applications for this year's conference! Have you already started working on your submission?

If you are still hesitating on the topic or have any concerns, we would like to help. This meetup is the place to ask questions, get ideas for your talk or just hang out while preparing your application.

We welcome and encourage applications from people with no public speaking experience!! Even if you just want to listen, feel free to join us too!!

Registration & Access

Once you finish RSVP on Connpass, please refresh the page. The invitation URL to DroidKaigi's Discord server will be displayed at the top. You can also join directly from here: Discord. However, if possible please RSVP on Connpass to help us estimate the number of attendees so we can provide better support.

Event Details

DroidKaigi's co-organizer ymnd and other members of the committee will be waiting for you on DroidKaigi's Discord server to reply your questions regarding speaker application and talk's topic.

As long as it is within the event's duration, you are welcome to come and leave anytime. You can use the text or voice chat to participate.

Feel free to come over to just listen on what is being said!

We will be there to think with you and support you in your challenge to give a talk this year!

Who should come

  • Anyone interested in DroidKaigi
  • Anyone who wants to give talk, but can't decide on a topic
  • Anyone who wants an environment to focus on preparing your application

Speaker applications are open to anyone regardless of experience level: whether you never gave a public talk in your life or often do, are still a student or work in the field, you are welcome to participate to this meetup and submit a talk.

We are holding this event online to also make it easier to join from anywhere.

Event Schedule & Place

A reminder including all the details and the invitation URL to DroidKaigi's Discord server will be sent by email, one hour before the event.

Heading Detail
Date & Time 4 July 2022 19:30-21:00 JST
Place DroidKaigi Discord (online)


Time Contents
19:30 Event start
19:30~19:40 Meet-up introduction
19:40~21:00 lease join the chatroom #meetup to hang out. You can ask questions using voice chat too.
21:00 Event end

Feel free to come and go as you please during the event.

Event Recording

Screenshots of the event may be taken by the organizers to be used for promotional purposes. Please be aware that even if you ask your questions by voice chat, your icon and username might appear on the screenshots. However you can participate without setting an icon or/and by using a different username.

The screenshots might be published on DroidKaigi promotional material, such as our Twitter or on our blog.


  • We expect all participants to follow DroidKaigi's Code of Conduct.
  • This goal of this event is to provide developers a place to network and share technology related knowledge with their peers. Please refrain from participating with other motives.
  • Please note we may cancel your application if we determine that the motive of your participation is not appropriate.
  • You may eat, drink, come and leave anytime during this online event.

We are looking forward to your application!


※ こちらのイベント情報は、外部サイトから取得した情報を掲載しています。
※ 掲載タイミングや更新頻度によっては、情報提供元ページの内容と差異が発生しますので予めご了承ください。
※ 最新情報の確認や参加申込手続き、イベントに関するお問い合わせ等は情報提供元ページにてお願いします。
