HACK.BAR 名古屋 @Voltage
HACK.BAR 名古屋開催イベント ~ エンジニアが集まるバーを名古屋の地で開催 ~ ~ HACK.BAR Nagoya Event ~ Bar for Engineers in Nagoya ~ ~
はじめに Introduction:🦔
今回なんと名古屋でエンジニアバー HACK.BARを開催します!
We are pleased to announce HACK.BAR, an engineering bar in Nagoya !
We will be open from 7:00pm to 10:00pm, so please enter at your convenience.
Programming language cocktails are also available! (Non-alcoholic drinks are also available)🍸
イベント情報 Event Information: ℹ️
何をするイベント What Events to do:🤔
本イベントでは、神戸市で展開している話題のエンジニアバー HACK.BAR / ハックバーの名古屋版です!!!
This event is the Nagoya version of HACK.BAR / Hack Bar, the hottest engineering bar in Kobe City!
This year's event will be a little different from usual, targeting "first-year new graduate engineers," "job hunting students," and "young engineers (regardless of age)," and will provide a place to learn from the opinions of job hunters and senior engineers who listen to your struggles and lessons learned.
We will also be serving that very popular language cocktail!
'I would like this opportunity to hear your concerns! I want to visit!" We hope you will visit us...!
当日スケジュール Schedule on the day:📆
時間 Time | 内容 Contents |
6:45pm ~ 7:00pm | 受付 reception |
7:00pm ~ 8:00pm | 飲食・歓談 Eating, drinking, chatting |
8:00pm ~ 9:00pm | LT会(テーマ自由です) LT meeting (theme is free) |
9:00pm ~ 10:00pm | 飲食・歓談 Eating, drinking, chatting |
10:00pm | Close |
参加費 Entrance fee:💰
¥3,000 のイベントになります!
協賛企業情報 Sponsor Information:❤️
The companies that are providing HACK.BAR with a venue for this event are
コワーキングスペースVoltage名古屋 様co-working space Voltage in Nagoya
(運営:株式会社VMK supported by VMK Inc.) :📡- こんな方におすすめ Recommended for the following:👌
エンジニア同士の交流を深めたい I want to deepen interaction with other engineers.
新卒1年目エンジニア同士仲良くなりたい I want to make friends with other engineers in their first year after graduation.
エンジニアバーというものに足を運んでみたい! I would like to visit something called an engineer bar!
HACK.BARが前々から気になっていたので体験してみたい I've been curious about HACK.BAR for a while and would like to experience it.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
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