Introduction to Cyber Security - On-campus Talk

2023/07/05(水)19:00 〜 20:00 開催


⚠️ This is 100% OFFLINE EVENT that will happen at Le Wagon Tokyo campus (Impact Hub Tokyo) ⚠️

Join us for this one-hour information session on the foundations of application security with Luke Chatelain from Rakuten.

Throughout the session, we will explore the importance of application security and the potential ramifications of overlooking it. By understanding the risks and vulnerabilities that applications face, you will be better equipped to protect sensitive data, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure the integrity of your software.

Additionally, we will focus on the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities, which represent the most common and critical security risks for web applications. By studying real-world examples and practical scenarios, you will gain insights into vulnerabilities such as injection attacks, cross-site scripting, and insecure direct object references. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to proactively identify and address these vulnerabilities in your own applications.

We will also guide you through the process of selecting and effectively using security scanners. These powerful tools help in identifying potential weaknesses in your applications. By learning about different types of security scanners and their features, you will be able to integrate them seamlessly into your development workflow, ensuring comprehensive security testing.

🚀 About Luke 🚀

A Le Wagon Tokyo graduate, Luke has worked for the past two years in Cyber Security as a Project Manager. With a focus on scanner implementation and Shift Left development practices, he holds multiple industry certifications and is a Certified DevSecOps Professional (CDP) and DevSecOps Leader (CDL). As someone who came from outside of cyber security himself, Luke is passionate about breaking down the complexities of the field and helping people discover their own journey with security.


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