第4回 Patterns of Distributed Systems 読書会
Patterns of Distributed Systems
読書会- 今回は
Chapter 13. Singular Update Queue
- 今回は
- 書籍の内容を要約し、それを勉強会で共有して、参加者で議論します
- 次回分の要約は希望者を募って行います。要約を行わずに参加を継続するだけでも大丈夫です!
- ラジオのように視聴される方も歓迎です!
- 声を発するのに抵抗がある方向け
- 録音はしていません
主催 : JavaEE勉強会 創立 2004年 (Java EE勉強会)
- J2EE(Java EE)に関連した話題を議論する勉強会
- 2004年8月から月1回のペースで定期的に開催を続けています(第203回目)
- 以下の招待URLから Discord サーバー javee-study-jp へ参加し、#patterns-of-distributed-systems のチャンネルに参加してください。
- https://discord.gg/VH7vGAdA
- 特に準備するものなどは不要です。
時間 | 内容 |
~13:00 | 入室,準備 |
13:00~13:10 | 開始の挨拶 |
13:10~14:00 | 自己紹介 |
14:10~15:00 | 読書会 |
15:00~15:20 | 長休憩 |
15:20~17:50 | 読書会 |
17:50~18:00 | ふりかえり,退室 |
18:00~ | 雑談、飲み会 (自由参加) |
目次 |
Foreword |
Preface |
Part I. Narratives |
Chapter 1: The Promise and Perils of Distributed Systems |
The Limits of a Single Server |
Separate Business Logic and Data Layer |
Partitioning Data |
A Look at Failures |
Replication — Masking Failures |
Process Crash |
Network Delay |
Process Pause |
Unsynchronized Clocks |
Defining the Term “Distributed Systems” |
The Patterns Approach |
Chapter 2. Overview of the Patterns |
Keeping Data Resilient on a Single Server |
Competing Updates |
Dealing with the Leader Failing |
Multiple Failures Need a Generation Clock |
Log Entries Cannot Be Committed until They Are Accepted by a Majority Quorum |
Followers Commit Based on a High-Water Mark |
Leaders Use a Series of Queues to Remain Responsive to Many Clients |
Followers Can Handle Read Requests to Reduce Load on the Leader |
A Large Amount of Data Can Be Partitioned over Multiple Nodes |
Partitions Can Be Replicated for Resilience |
A Minimum of Two Phases Are Needed to Maintain Consistency across Partitions |
In Distributed Systems, Ordering Can Not Depend on System Timestamps |
A Consistent Core Can Manage the Membership of a Data Cluster |
Gossip Dissemination for Decentralized Cluster Management |
Part II. Patterns of Data Replication |
Chapter 3. Write-Ahead Log |
Chapter 4. Segmented Log |
Chapter 5. Low-Water Mark |
Chapter 6. Leader and Followers |
Chapter 7. HeartBeat |
Chapter 8. Majority Quorum |
Chapter 9. Generation Clock |
Chapter 10. High-Water Mark |
Chapter 11. Paxos |
Chapter 12. Replicated Log |
Chapter 13. Singular Update Queue |
Chapter 14. Request Waiting List |
Chapter 15. Idempotent Receiver |
Chapter 16. Follower Reads |
Chapter 17. Versioned Value |
Chapter 18. Version Vector |
Part III. Patterns of Data Partitioning |
Chapter 19. Fixed Partitions |
Chapter 20. Key-Range Partitions |
Chapter 21. Two Phase Commit |
Part IV. Patterns of Distributed Time |
Chapter 22. Lamport Clock |
Chapter 23. Hybrid Clock |
Chapter 24. Clock-Bound Wait |
Part V. Patterns of Cluster Management |
Chapter 25. Consistent Core |
Chapter 26. Lease |
Chapter 27. State Watch |
Chapter 28. Gossip Dissemination |
Chapter 29. Emergent Leader |
Part VI. Patterns of communication between nodes |
Chapter 30. Single Socket Channel |
Chapter 31. Request Batch |
Chapter 32. Request Pipeline |
References |
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