Corporate Leadership Coaching
Corporate Leadership Coaching Workshop
Come join a highly interactive Coaching workshop with Global Leadership Partners Asia Members in partnership with Kokuyo Worksight Lab, Taiju Suzuki and Michael Shell October 5th 2:00pm-5:00pm. You are welcome to join us for nomikai afterwards [5:00pm -6:30pm]. The workshop will be in Japanese and English.
Leadership Coaching is a highly effective method to move individuals and teams forward in alignment with the vision of your organization. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
Coaching is a set of professional skills, a unique way of communicating and a very effective leadership style. It helps to enhance engagement, teamwork and innovation internally and can be used to create better outcomes in negotiations with external partners.
This workshop will cover:
- Coaching basics
- Working from Purpose
- Uncovering Values
- Accessing source of Motivation
We look forward to seeing you on October 5th at 2:00pm! [Gates open at 1:30pm]
Location: Kokuyo Shinagawa Office, Tokyo
Walking Map to the event site:
Please call Sweta @ 080-4348-1999 if you need help with directions.
Partner event website:
Michael Shell Profile
Michael Shell’s interest in developing human potential is rooted in a powerful life-long commitment to learning and evolution. He guides individuals and teams to clarify vision, enhance awareness and determine accountability structures that lead to improved business results and organizational excellence.
He takes a holistic approach to coaching. He views his clients as whole and complete with unique personalities, visions, attitudes, feelings, values and goals. He has a keen ability to notice when to challenge his client and when to empathize with them.
Michael’s partnership-based approach to learning and transformation is driven by a belief that acting from one's values is key to fundamental behavioral change. He helps leaders identify their unique stories and connect them to their deepest values. Once connected with their values people generally feel a sense of power and possibility. From that place access to generative options appear that were previously hidden from view. This is where true partnership takes place.
He holds a strong vision that if enough people act in alignment with their deepest values they will do the work that they most enjoy and contribute their biggest gifts to their organization and society. Systematic issues that seem insurmountable today will not need to be solved; they will dissolve. This is what drives his work.
As the Founder of Global Leadership Partners Asia, Michael consults on strategy, leadership development and corporate culture change.
Taiju Suzukil Profile
Taiju Suzuki is a professional executive coach with a background in business consulting careers [Gray Institute of management, Accenture] He holds an MBA degree and a masters degree in Counseling Psychology from the US.
Taiju was one of the top coaches in “Coach A”, the largest coaching firm in Japan for 5 consecutive years. He has coached more than 100 executives in business and over 15,000 managers and leaders. He was No.1 Sales Coach in “Coach A” and was awarded the “President’s award 2005” for Excellence in Management.
Taiju is also rich with international experiences as he was a world traveler for two years(2011-2013). He has developed and deployed a three-day cross-cultural workshop for German students at Hamburg University in Germany (2011). Besides which, he is also a National leader of “South East Asian Youth Program in 2013,” the Global Leadership Education Program, hosted by the Japanese Government.
-California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California, 01/2008-12/2010
Master of Integral Counseling Psychology
-Keio Business School, Tokyo, Japan 1996-1998
Master of Business Administration
鈴木大樹(すずき たいじゅ)
東京銀行(現 三菱東京UFJ銀行)勤務後、ビジネススクールを経てビジネスコンサルティングの世 界へ入る。1999年から2003年までGray Institute of Management、Accentureにて企業理念の構築と企業文化の変革、プロジェクトに従事。2003年から2007年までコーチAのトップエグゼクティブコーチとして、経営者層への1on1コーチ、管理職層へのトレーニングに携わる。5年間で管理職を対象に1万5千人以上にコーチトレーニング、100人以上のエグゼクティブに1on1コーチングを実施。社内ではコーチ育成、トレーニングプログラムの作成の責任者を務め。2010年にカリフォルニア州にある老年学の専門機関であるPacific Instituteでインターンセラピストとして働く。2011年にドイツのハンブルグ大学の正規クラスの講師として招聘される。ドイツ人学生に対して3日間の異文化トレーニングを実施。ドイツ人の講師とトレーニングプログラムを共同開発、協働ファシリテートする。その他の経験としては、World Traveler として2011年から2013年までの約2年間、バックパックを背負い6大陸を訪れ、世界一周する。本年度、内閣府主催「2013年度 第40回東南アジア青年の船事業」ナショナルリーダーとして、2か月間ほど東南アジアを訪問予定。
慶応義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科(慶応ビジネススクール) 修士課程修了(MBA)
カリフォルニア統合大学院(CIIS/California Institute of Integral Studies)
臨床心理学専攻 修士課程修了
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