What's new in scikit-learn 0.17.0

2015/11/16(月)18:30 〜 21:00 開催


scikit-learn is an open source machine learning library to build and evaluate predictive models in Python. This talk will give an introduction to the scikit-learn main concepts and API and demonstrate how it can be used from the Jupyter notebook interface with the pandas data manipulation library. Olivier will highlight some new features that are part of the (soon to be|newly) released version 0.17.0.

Olivier Grisel is a software engineer at Inria Parietal in Saclay, France. He is a regular contributor and maintains the scikit-learn project. Olivier tweets regularly about machine learning related topics as @ogrisel

Event Schedule:
19:00 Door opens & food and mingling - Please eat while it's fresh!
19:30 Tech Talk (1hr)
20:30 Q&A and further mingling and beer
21:00 Door closesEvent Schedule


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