人工知能で教育を変えるブラジルのスタートアップとMeetUp @レアジョブ
Global Engineer Labは、グローバルに仕事をしたいエンジニアたちが集まるコミュニティです。 将来シリコンバレーやアジアで働きたい、もしくは日本を拠点に海外と仕事をしたいなどの、 グローバル志向を持ったエンジニア仲間が集います。
Global Engineers Lab is a community for engineers who want to work globally. Among the member are engineers who are ambitious for working in Silicon Valley, or for working in Japan with worldwide companies. They think globally.
meet up概要/Overview
今回は、Global Engineer Labの番外編。ブラジルのEdtech企業Geekieのブラジル人エンジニアの来日に合わせて、急遽meet up形式にて開催します。 「Geekieのブラジル人エンジニア」と、「レアジョブのエンジニア」と グローバルで働きたいエンジニアのみなさんで交流する場にしたいと思っています! (今回は、発表なしの完全カジュアルな交流会のみです。)
ブラジルのEdtech企業のエンジニアと交流できる貴重な機会です。 日本のみならず、海外のEdtech事情も聞けるチャンスになります。
- Edtechに興味がある!
- テクノロジーの力を使って、もっと教育業界を盛り上げたい!
- 海外のエンジニアと話をしてみたい!
- ブラジルという国に興味がある!
- レアジョブのエンジニアとお酒を飲んでみたい!
など、グローバル志向をもった参加者とお酒を片手に語らいたい方は、 お気軽にエントリーください。
This event is an extra one. We suddenly decided to hold this event adjusting it to some Brazilian engineers’ visiting Japan. We offer you an opportunity to meet and talk with “Geekie’s Brazilian engineers” and “ RareJob engineers.”(No presentation is planned in this event.)
This will be a precious chance to get to know the engineers in Ed-tech companies in Brazil. You will learn not only about Japan’s Edtech situation but also that of other countries.
If you are interested in Edtech farther activating the education industry with the talking to foreign engineers Brazil *Have a drink or two (or more!) with RareJob’s engineers
Please feel free to entry yourself in this.
タイムスケジュール/Time schedule
時間 | プログラム |
19:00 | 受付開始 |
19:15 | 挨拶&乾杯 |
21:30 | 終了 |
19:15~21:30まで、開催しております。 19:15に間に合わないという方も、時間内であれば、参加可能ですのでお気軽にエントリーください。
The event will be held from 19:15 to 21:30. Your participating in the middle is also welcome Please understand that we will select participants by lot in case there are many applicants.
本社をブラジル・サンパウロ市に置く、2011年創業のブラジルNo.1シェアのEdtech企業。生徒の学力をオンラインで自動分析し、一人ひとりに最適化した教材の提供を行うアダプティブラーニング事業者。 IBMの世界ベスト7スタートアップ、Wired誌のグローバルイノベーター等を受賞した、アダプティブラーニングの世界的なフロントランナー。創業者のクラウディオ・ササキ氏は日系ブラジル人で、 社会問題となっているブラジルの教育レベルの低さを、ITの力で解決するとの強い想いを持つ。 Omidyar(e-Bay創業者の基金)や三井物産等が出資参画している。
Geekie is an Edtech company which holds its headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil, established in 2011. They have the top market share in the Edtech industry and are called “Adaptive Learning company” that automatically analyzes the student’s abilities online so that they can provide materials most suitable to each students .They are awarded the world top 7 start-ups by IBM, and also the Global Innovator by Wired .They are the front-runners in the adaptive learning world. The founder, Claudio Sasaki, is a Japanese-Brazilian and has a strong spirit for resolving some social problems in Brazil such as low educational level.The Omidhar Network(An US-based investment organization founded by the founder of e-Bay) and Mitsui & Co. Ltd. are invested in together.
参考記事/Refer to some article
http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-10/16/claudio-sassaki-wired-2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6KWCLTBr34
With algorithm applied for artificial intelligent technique, Geekie has provided most adaptive materials to the students automatically ,with analyzing the big data ,such as their learning process ,abilities and tendencies. The results showed that the performance of students using Geekie have increased by 30% on average than others who don’t. Thus, they are the only official online company certified by Brazilian Educational Minister.
Mr.Rafael Oda
He is a Japanese Brazilian engineer who graduated from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics, which is the most highly-selective university in Brazil. His career as an engineer started in Credit Suisse Investment Bank where he developed financial-related software programs. He has been in charge of constructing basic platform since the beginning of the company. He is good at English, Portuguese and also various developing languages but he does not understand Japanese yet.
Mr.Raphael Baron
He graduated from Sao Paulo University which is one of the top universities in Brazil. After studied in Technical University Darmstadt (TUD) in Germany and worked in IBM, he has been building Probabilistic Graphical Model (PGM) in Geekie. He speaks English, Portuguese and German.
稲田 大輔氏(Mr.Daisuke Inada)
He graduated from Graduate School of Information and Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. He entered to Mitsui & Co. Ltd. Experienced in some IT startups in and out of Japan, he has been working with Geekie as a company executive from 2014. He has a strong will to change and improve education all over the world by business and technology. He has been in Brazil for 5years. He can speak Portuguese just like a native speaker
株式会社レアジョブ 原宿オフィス(http://www.rarejob.co.jp/access/)
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