AWS Lambda for Rubyists / Hosting your own email server
19:00 〜 19:30 Doors open
Grab a drink and catch up with your fellow Rubyists.
19:30 〜 19:50 AWS Lambda for Rubyists Arek Turlewicz
There are many options to deploy software, but all have some limitations, complexity, and maintenance costs to consider. AWS Lambda is one of these options, but it only officially supports a few programming languages (Python, Java, Javascript, C#, and Go). So what's a Rubyist to do? Lets take a closer look at what AWS Lambda really is, and how we can use our favourite language with it.
Polish programmer living in Tokyo. In his free time he runs and dances a lot, hacking when his legs get tired. Full-stack engineer at MediWeb, Inc.
20:00 〜 20:20 Break Free From Traditional Email (Host Your Own Server) Mark Kuczmarski
In this talk, I'll show you how to setup your very own email server, and use it to send emails from a Rails app.
Mark Kuczmarski is from Cleveland, Ohio in the United States. He currently works as a software developer in Tokyo. He has a Bachelors from Miami University with a double Major in Software Engineering and Computer Science with a minor in Mechanical Engineering. Upon graduation, he worked in consulting in Silicon Valley at a large biomedical corporation. He has a passion for teaching and helping others achieve their goals.
20:30 〜 21:30 Open Networking
Discuss the presentations or anything else Ruby related with the other attendees.
Venue Sponsor
PIXTA's engineers use Ruby on Rails to build their stock photo marketplace, and are looking for developers to join their team. You can learn more about what they're working on through their engineering blog.
About the Venue
From 19:00, the main entrance of the building is locked. Please use the back entrance (裏手 in Japanese, see this picture of it).
Please note that the back entrance will be locked from 8pm onwards, so please be sure to show up before then. If you don't make it on time, you can contact @kaiba and @trbmeetup on Twitter, or use our contact form, and we'll unlock it for you. Please note that we might take some time before we can respond.
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