NATS for Rubyists / Designing Practical RESTful APIs
19:00 〜 19:30 Doors open
Grab a drink and catch up with your fellow Rubyists.
19:30 〜 19:50 NATS for Rubyists Waldemar Quevedo
NATS is a high performance messaging system that was originally created as part of CloudFoundry but since then it has grown its own ecosystem and community around it, and also recently included as part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).
Similar to Ruby, one of the goals from NATS is to make building messaging based applications as simple and reliable as possible. In this talk, we will cover why NATS might be interesting to consider for your next project and share some of the lessons learned so far from maintaining the Ruby clients from NATS.
Wally is a Software Engineer at Synadia Communications, Inc, where he works on the NATS project is also maintainer of the Ruby, Go and Python client libraries. Before he was at Apcera where he developed a container orchestration system that used NATS for its control plane and Rakuten where he operated large CloudFoundry clusters.
20:00 〜 20:20 Designing Practical RESTful APIs Hiroshi Ogino
When designing an API, we need to do so in a way that is beneficial to developers, and ultimately allows us to deliver value to our customers. This presentation will explore what a RESTful API is, and give practical examples highlighting some of the common design decisions.
Hiroshi (@ogin_s57) is a web developer at HeartRails, and founder of @yurufuwarb. His passions are writing, and using technology to delight people.
20:30 〜 21:30 Open Networking
Discuss the presentations or anything else Ruby related with the other attendees.
Venue Sponsor
PIXTA's engineers use Ruby on Rails to build their stock photo marketplace, and are looking for developers to join their team. You can learn more about what they're working on through their engineering blog.
About the Venue
From 19:00, the main entrance of the building is locked. Please use the back entrance (裏手 in Japanese, see this picture of it).
The back entrance will be locked from 8pm onwards, so please be sure to show up before then. If you don't make it on time, you can use our contact form, and we'll unlock it for you. Please note that we might take some time before we can respond.
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