WebHack#39 x Pivotal Labs: Why Microservices?

2020/10/27(火)19:30 〜 21:00 開催



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Special thanks of gratitude to VMware Pivotal Labs who fosters together with WebHack an open and inclusive engineering culture!

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To gain the best experience, please Join on PC (instead of on mobile phones) Start at 19:30 in Tokyo time (GMT+9)


Feel free to write real-time collaborative notes at real-time event notes!




This is one of serial events about developing through the new normal.

With the advent of microservices, the traditional way of building and maintaining applications are under question. People enthusiastically discuss new technologies and new methodologies, and companies sell products around those to claim that microservices are the key to the common issues and challenges in the enterprise IT. Yet, risks, drawbacks, and challenges around microservices were barely discussed. In this talk, Hashi-san will highlight and explain the true values, challenges and benefits of Microservices.


  • Benefits and trade-offs of Microservice architecture pattern
  • Why Microservice
  • How to apply Microservice pattern properly


Shinichi Hashitani: Senior Platform Architect @ VMware Pivotal Labs

Hashi has been working in the industry for 20 years, covering wide area of development/delivery area including programming, project management, software analysis & design, and software architecture. Hashi currently works for VMware Tanzu as Senior Platform Architect, helping customers building cloud-native platforms around Kubernetes.

Previously, Hashi worked for a global life insurance company as an architect manager, designing systems and train architects across Asia.


Time Session
19:30 - 19:40 Opening
19:40 - 20:35 Talk
20:35 - 20:40 Break
20:40 - 21:00 Q & A
21:00 Good night!


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