Coding for Complete Beginners!

2017/05/13(土)13:00 〜 16:00 開催
参加枠申込形式参加費 参加者
先着順 無料 3人 / 定員20人


A workshop for people new to JavaScript and/or coding and want to get started!

The class will be held in English.

This workshop is project-based and very hands-on. You will learn how to teach yourself.

Topics covered:

  • basic information about websites
  • getting started with JavaScript
  • developer tools and software
  • basic JavaScript
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Yes, you'll learn A LOT.


  • yourself
  • a laptop
  • a smile :)

About Code Chrysalis: We are a 12-week advanced software engineering immersive in Tokyo, with our first class starting July. We also host regular, free events open to anyone!

コードクリサリスについて: 東京を拠点にした12週間の短期集中型ソフトウェアエンジニア養成学校です。今年の7月に第一期開講します。 定期的に無料のイベントを主催しています。
