Embracing the Power of the Cloud

2018/06/29(金)19:00 〜 21:30 開催


PLEASE ALSO REGISTER AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://www.meetup.com/Re-boot/events/251170880/

We are excited to finally announce our new upcoming event, "Embracing the Power of the Cloud - Architectural Principles and Financial Implementation". This will be the first in a series of other workshops and webinars at our new office, touching different topics and showcasing our projects and expertise in the cloud space. This time we decided to kick off focusing on 2 of our biggest projects related to cloud management and financial service solutions.

Fabrizio Calogero, Global Branding Lead at FIXER, will start with a brief introduction about FIXER, explaining who we are, what we do and how we have been recognized as the leading Microsoft Azure solution providers in Japan.

Aaron Layfield, Cloud Solution Architect at FIXER, will be talking about the new portal of our flagship solution cloud.confg, its architecture design and development. With a primarily background in AWS, he will also share his experience in shifting to Microsoft Azure and discuss about the main differences between the 2 cloud platforms.

Yuma Takenaka, Business Strategist at FIXER, will introduce our current digital transformation projects in Financial Institution. We launched the Lift & Shift project in collaboration with Microsoft Japan, aiming to shift local Bank's existing on-premises assets to the cloud platform Microsoft Azure. Through our experience in cloud-based transformation projects, he will explain how we are going to increase the cloud adoption in the banking section up to 10 regional banks by 2020.


[Opening] 19:00 ~ 19:30

[Seminar] 19:30 ~ 20:45

[Social Gathering] 20:45 ~ 21:30

We have a limited number of seats for this FREE event so please confirm your attendance and if you think you can't participate, please let us know so other people that are on the waiting list can attend in your place. Because of seats limitation, we will also broadcast the event on Facebook Live.

Please note that this is not a recruitment event and we would appreciate no discussion related to hiring.


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