The Global Dev Study #5 - Future of Python

2021/07/27(火)20:30 〜 22:30 開催


Event Description (本ページ下部に日本語での紹介もあります)

Forkwell has a vision to shape the future with creators, together. We are now providing "The Global Dev Study" - An online event that allows developers to build software and applications with the latest technologies.

Forkwell will continue to host multiple study groups with the purpose of inviting speakers who are familiar with each field of information technology, from the perspective of those who are active on the front lines, to comprehensively learn the latest insight and updates about information technology.

At this event, we will have Hon as the moderator, and a diverse range of speakers, internationally acclaimed software developers who are expert in their own fields. We would be glad if we could create a comprehensive study session where you can learn the latest information technologies required to enhance a software developer’s career!

Suitable For

Those who want to
- comprehensively learn about the latest technology
- catch up on the latest technology trends
- learn important ideas in selected technologies for certain framework and practice
- see how much they understand technology
- interested in the careers of software engineers and researchers

The Global Dev Study #5 - Past, Present and Future of Python


In this talk our speakers will talk about the past, present and future of Python.
They will highlight the most important changes in the language since then, reflect on the essence that has not changed.
Łukasz Langa will go over his five favorite new things Python 3.10 can do: pattern matching, typing improvements, anext/aiter, parenthesized with statements, and improved error messages. Practical examples for all of them will be provided.


 Łukasz Langa @llanga
Core developer - Python || Python 3.8 and 3.9 release manager

Link:, Github:
Python core developer since 2010, creator of Black, pianist, dad.

 Luciano Ramalho @ramalhoorg
Author - Fluent Python, Principal Consultant, Thoughtworks

Luciano Ramalho wrote Fluent Python (O'Reilly, 2015), published in 9 languages. He is working on a Second Edition updated for Python 3.10, scheduled for late 2021. Ramalho was the first president of the Python Brasil Association, and is a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. He is a Principal Consultant at Thoughtworks.

 Pat Viafore @PatViaforever
Author - Robust Python

Pat Viafore is the author of Robust Python, a book about writing clean and maintainable Python. He is also an organizer of, a local Python meetup focused on growing a Python community. During the day, he works as a Senior Software Engineer for Canonical, building continuous delivery pipelines for Ubuntu images for public cloud providers. He also owns Kudzera LLC, where he offers consulting and contracting services.


Hon Jia Xuan Product Manager - Grooves
Hon joined Grooves in 2019 as the Product Manager. He is a lifelong learner and now he is learning Python, Japanese language and video editing skill. During his free time, he loves reading book and good at speed reading. His favourite quote is "To the man with only a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" by Charlie Munger.

Time Table

Time Agenda
20:30〜 Opening/Guest Intro(5min)
20:35〜 Łukasz Langa (30min)
21:05〜 Luciano Ramalho (30min)
21:35〜 Forkwell Announcement & Break (10min)
21:45〜 Pat Viafore (30min)
22:15〜 Q&A (15min)
〜22:30 End

※ This time table is only a guide. Changes are due to circumstances.

How to Join

This session will be held on YouTube (live). Please post any Questions on the content of this lecture on Slido. We also welcome any comments and thoughts on Twitter.
You can participate from the URL below.

▍Broadcast Venue
 ・YouTube Live

▍Event Guid
 ・Slido Anonymous Q&A

 ・Twitter HashTag

In order to value the live participation experience which will be provided by the linkage with Twitter TL, the chasing playback apparatus on YouTube Live will be disabled.
Please view the distributing program, or the archive which will be able to view after few hours.

Points to Note

  • There will be a session that promotes Forkwell.
  • Since this is an event for software engineers, participation of non-engineers and IT industry recruiting activities within this event are not welcomed.
  • The scenery of the event and the social gathering may be published in an article (event report) on Forkwell media. If you do not wish to be posted, please let us know that you do not want to be posted from the event page inquiry form on the day.
  • We may ask you to leave the event even during the event if management decides that your participation is not suitable for other participants to enjoy the session to the fullest.
    Those who are seen as having the purpose of soliciting insurance, religion, or network business
    Others who judge that participation is inappropriate on the management side

Thank you for understanding.


「つくり手と、未来を拓く」をビジョンに掲げる Forkwell が今回お届けするのは「The Global Dev Study」。開発者が最新の技術でソフトウェア・アプリケーションを構築するための勉強会です。 Forkwellは最新のIT技術を包括的に理解するための勉強会を、それぞれの専門領域を持った海外からの登壇者をお迎えして複数回に渡って全編英語で開催いたします。 ※イベント中の質問に関しては、日本語での質問も受け付けております。


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Job-search website for high level IT/Web engineers Forkwell Jobs


※ こちらのイベント情報は、外部サイトから取得した情報を掲載しています。
※ 掲載タイミングや更新頻度によっては、情報提供元ページの内容と差異が発生しますので予めご了承ください。
※ 最新情報の確認や参加申込手続き、イベントに関するお問い合わせ等は情報提供元ページにてお願いします。
