PyLadies Kyoto Meetup #1

2015/11/28(土)13:00 〜 15:00 開催


※ English following Japanese

PyLadies Kyotoとは?

PyLadies Kyotoは,PyLadiesの日本支部の一つです.2014年9月に発足したPyLadies Tokyoに引き続き,PyCon JP 2015にて日本2つ目の支部として発足しました.
私たちの活動目的は,女性Pythonista (Pythonユーザ) の輪を広げることです!初心者/熟練者を問わず全ての女性Pythonistaの参加をお待ちしています!

PyLadies Kyoto Meetup #1

PyLadies Kyoto Meetup #1を開催します!初回はPython初心者の女性を対象に,Pythonのインストールから簡単なアプリケーション作成まで,以下の内容でハンズオンを行う予定です.


  1. PyLadiesについて紹介 (10分)
  2. PyLadies Japanのオーガナイザー紹介&参加者の自己紹介 (15分)
    PyLadies Japanのオーガナイザーそれぞれの紹介と,参加者自身の自己紹介を行います
  3. [初心者向け] Python Workshop (80分)
  4. フリータイム (15分)
    コーチやオーガナイザーに対してなんでも質問して下さい :)



  • ノートパソコン(必須)

  • ノートパソコンのチャージャー (可能であれば)

  • 休憩時間のために飲み物、おやつなど(近くにコンビニがあります)



What is PyLadies Kyoto?

PyLadies Kyoto is one of the Japanese chapters of PyLadies, who are a group trying to connect women Pythonista (= Python users). After starting up PyLadies Tokyo in September 2014, we started a new chapter in Kyoto during PyCon JP 2015. It doesn't matter whether you are an expert or a beginner, please feel free to join us at our first meetup.

PyLadies Kyoto Meetup #1

Following is the list of activities that we have planned for the first meetup:

The workshop will be conducted via Ustream.
We are currently looking for a supporter who can help us with the workshop! (Someone who can join us at the meeting place in Kyoto)

  1. Introduction of PyLadies [ 10 mins ]
    We will be doing a presentation about PyLadies.
  2. Introduction of PyLadies Japan’s Organizers [ 15 mins ]
    The main organizers of PyLadies Japan and the participants will introduce themselves.
  3. Python Workshop for Beginners [ 80 mins ]
    We will hold a Python workshop for beginners. From importing libraries to creating applications, our group of coaches will help you to understand and perform the most basic tasks in Python. In addition, the participants will also learn to code some interesting projects.
  4. Free Time [ 15 mins ]
    During the last activity, all participants will have a chance to ask us questions. We will also appreciate if you can share your valuable ideas and comments.

There is a 10-minute break in the middle of the workshop.

What to bring:

  • A laptop (this is a must)

  • A laptop charger (if possible)

  • Some drinks and snacks for the break (there is also a convenience store nearby)

The Motivation Behind Our Workshops:

As women and as Python programmers, our group members love to meet other ladies with very similar interest. Through these workshops, our primary goal is to inspire lots of women, with no prior experience in programming, to start coding in Python. In addition, by bringing tutors / experts to the workshop, we want to create an environment where learning and sharing of knowledge can happen at the same time. There are various reasons of why we are doing this with Python. Not just Python is one of the most widely used high-level programming languages, its simplicity very much helps beginners to understand the basic concepts of programming. This is our honest endeavour to bring Python and Programming in your respective lives by the means of these workshops.


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