画像処理系ハッカソン supported by RICOH

2020/01/10(金)17:45 〜 20:30 開催
参加枠申込形式参加費 参加者
先着順 無料 7人 / 定員25人


RICOH x Open Room Inc. ハッカソン

(Scroll for english)




概要/ Summary









〒143-8555 東京都大田区中馬込1丁目3−6



# English

Open Room Inc. partners with RICOH to organize this event.

Computer Vision technologies allows us today to transform paper-based businesses. While the technology have accelerated in the past years for the English language, it is still behind for the Japanese language. This hackathon goal is to make the research progress in Japan and improve the document recognition, content classification and Japanese language machine learning. Together, we believe that we can improve the technologies and give a boost to the Japanese startup ecosystem and industry renewal.

The contributions to the event will be published under the Open Source MIT licence. The resulting publications from the research will also be released publicly.

The hackathon will be held for 1 month, and this event is the kick off event. If you can't intend the event, you can still participate to the research - access to the repository will be given on the day of the kick off.

To make things a little bit more motivating, the hackathon will be held as a small competition: participant's contributions will be tested automatically and a score will be attributed to each submission. A ranking will then be held to compare the participants solutions and compete between each others.

Particpants can team up and work as a team, or contribute as individual.

During the kickoff, we will explain how to participate to the hackathon and we will talk about the current state of the industry in Japan, the difficulties we faced at Open Room Inc., and how we plan to use the technology to solve issues business are facing in a paper-based industry.

Address: 1 Chome-3-6 Nakamagome, Ota City, Tokyo 143-8555

* Please note that the headquarters are non-smoking area, as well as around the buildings.

タイムスケジュール/ Time Schedule

17:45~18:05 - 受付/Reception
18:05~18:10 - 主催者からのご挨拶(リコー社、オープンルーム社)/ Opening Talks
18:10~18:30 - 未だに紙ベースのレガシーな業界を変革するには?/ Short Presentation on "Paper-based Legacy Industry and How to Overcome Issues"
18:30~19:00 - ハッカソンについて - 研究とオープンソース/ About Hackathon
19:00~20:30 - ネットワーキング/ Networking

* 当日は受付までお越しください。スタッフが会場のカフェまでご案内します。

* また本プログラムは、英語をメインに、日本語での同時通訳を介しながら行われます。

# English

RICOH opening (5 min.)
Open Room Inc. presentation (5 min.)
How to transform a paper-based industry ? (20 min.)
Hackathon - Research and Open Source (30 min.)
Networking (90 min.)

* Please present yourself at the reception of the RICOH headquarters, someone will accompany you to the café.

* The event will be held mostly in English with live Japanese translation.

参加対象/ Event Open to

エンジニア/ Engineers

参加費/ Fee

無料/ Free


#ocr #dnn #nlp #hackathon #japan #research #oss




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※ 連携したソーシャルアカウントは、会員登録完了後にいつでも変更できます。
