【Social Venture Crowd主催】ワークショップ:効果的なリーダーシップに必要な多様性への意識

2014/08/13(水)18:30 〜 21:30 開催


------------English follows Japanese------------






  • 本ワークショップでは対立や葛藤などの困難なコミュニケーションの場面が、ロールプレイング等により表現される場合があります。運営スタッフにより安全安心な場作りを努めますが、怒りや悲しみなどの感情的な口論が起こりうる可能性があることをご了承ください。
  • 録音・録画および本ワークショップ内での言動を個人が特定できる形で言い触らすこと、TwitterやFacebook等の媒体に掲載することはご遠慮ください。
  • 本ワークショップの性質上、精神科・心療内科に通院中の方、精神科・心療内科で投薬を受けている方、心理カウンセリングやセラピーを受けている方は、担当の専門家と相談した上でご参加ください。


■定員:200名 (応募人数が少ない場合、実施を見送る場合があります。)


 18:30~18:45 オープニング
 18:45~20:45 ワークショップ実践
 20:45~21:15 振り返り、質疑応答、クロージング

吉村 崇 (ソーシャル・ベンチャー・クラウド株式会社 CEO)
大学卒業後、外資系総合コンサルティング会社にて7年間勤務。主に会計・人事・CRMのシステム導入プロジェクトに参画。退職後、2013年9月にSocial Venture Crowd, Ltd.を設立し、代表取締役に就任。

小島 美佳 (バランスト・グロースLLP パートナー)
15歳までヨーロッパで育ち、帰国後 慶応義塾大学商学部を卒業、アクセンチュアにて組織戦略・人材開発領域のコンサルティングに従事する。その後、独立系コンサルティング企業で新規ビジネス開発に携わる傍ら、個人ではキャリアコンサルタント及びコーチとして活動。不確実なVUCA時代に必要となるビジネスの在り方、人生の在り方について考えるようになる。2010年に独立し、瞑想や超科学的な世界の手法を取り入れた直感力の活用、リーダーのためのセルフマネジメントや価値創造のあり方を研究するようになり、自ら年間500人以上のクライアントへセラピーを実施。その活動を現在ではビジネス領域にも戻し、人間の右脳領域を企業活動に応用し実践する方法を模索している。
GCDF キャリアコンサルタント 913号、CTI応用コース修了 (第60期)、シータヒーリング認定マスター

松村 憲 (インサイト・プラクシス代表)
共訳書:アーノルド・ミンデル著『プロセスマインド』春秋社 2012

■通訳:スキップ・スワンソン(Skip Swanson)
Rynne Twistが2014年に来日した際に行われたイベントFuture of Leadership Forum、Global Leadership Community等において通訳を担当。

■参加費:(事前決済)1,000円、(当日)1,500円 ※いずれも税込

■場所:3x3 Labo
東京都千代田区丸の内3-2-3 富士ビル 3F
※詳細は3x3 Laboホームページのアクセスを参照。      (http://www.ecozzeria.jp/fujibldg33/



 Email: info@socialventurecrowd.com


In recent years, business and social environments have been getting diverse drastically. For example, increasing foreign workers, non-regular employment, mid-career employment, wage gap, women's social advancement, and diversification of orientations and values.
In such environments, communication gaps, discords, and conflicts tend to happen easily. Therefore, it is possible to make negative impact on performance of teams. On the other hand, the diverse environments hold the potential to make innovations.
Effective leaders and team members can improve performance and capacity in their organizations by welcoming and utilizing the diverse people, values, styles, and experiences in skillful manners.
Although many people may understand the importance of diversity, they may also recall how difficult it is to accept the diversity in practical situations with bitter experiences. In this workshop, we learn diversity awareness to utilize it on a daily basis through practical experience-oriented training tackling the diversity issues. This workshop is aimed to share the deep understandings and insights about diversity with all participants, by creating a collaborative atmosphere to have dialogues between some participants and among the whole large group.

  • Difficult communication such as discord and conflict might be expressed as a role playing method in this workshop. Even though facilitators and staffs will make efforts to bring safety atmosphere, it is possible that emotional discussion including anger and sadness might occur.
  • It is prohibited that recording, spreading, and posting on Twitter, Facebook, or other social network services about someone’s speeches or behaviors in this workshop by personally identifiable ways.
  • People who see a doctor, or get a medication in psychiatry, or psychosomatic medicine, or take a psychotherapy, should take a counsel from your doctor or therapist.
■Date: August 13th, 2014 (Wed) 18:30 – 21:15

■Number of seats: 200

■Language: Japanese and English. (Consecutive interpretation is available)

 18:30~18:45 Opening
 18:45~20:45 Workshop
 20:45~21:15 Question and Answer, Closing


Takashi Yoshimura, CEO of Social Venture Crowd, Ltd.
After graduation from a university, he had worked for a consulting company for 7 years. He mainly joined system implementation projects in accounting, human resource, and customer relationship management. After he quit the company, he founded Social Venture Crowd, Ltd. in September 2013 and assumed CEO.
He was raised in a rice farmer and majored in agriculture in the university, and had interest in environmental issues. He is working to enhance the recognition and to empower social businesses, which aim to mitigate or resolve social and environmental issues all over the world.

Mika Kojima, Partner of Balanced Growth, LLP.
Grew up in Europe, Bachelor at the Graduate School of Business & Commerce at KEIO UNIVERSITY, Tokyo. Involved in organization design and strategy, human resource planning and implementation at Change Management Group, Accenture (ACN) and run more than 30 projects as a project manager. Changed her career to launch and develop new businesses as a director at MI Consulting, launching new training curriculum on leadership and sales process enhancement. After becoming independent in 2010, she started to develop opportunities in meditation and self management for future leaders, engaged in more than 500 sessions per year. Currently, she is engaged in Corporate Leadership training and Executive Coaching.

2004 September: Certified as Global Career Development Facilitator Japan
2005 December: Certified as Co-active Coach CTI Japan

Translation Supervisor of "Building Relationships With Team Members by Coaching" (Japanese)
Coauthor of "Problem Solving Skills of High Performers" (Japanese)

Ken Matsumura, CEO of Insight Praxis
He is certified Clinical Psychologist from JSCCP (Japan Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists). He is opening private practice office since 2009 and working with diverse people, couple, family and does some facilitation work with organization.
He's finished 4 year-long intense program in Process Work Institute in Portland, Oregon USA and became certified Process Worker. Now being part of faculty member in Japan Process Work Center. MA Process Work and Diploma.

■Translator: Skip Swanson
He took a role as a translator in events such as Future of Leadership Forum, Global Leadership Community when Rynne Twist came to Japan and took speeches in 2014.

■Participation fee: (Advance) 1,000 Yen, (At the Door) 1,500 Yen. Each includes tax.

■Location: 3x3 Labo
Fuji building 3F, 3-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
・2 minutes walk from JR Yurakucho station
・1 minute walk from Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line Yurakucho station
・1 minute walk from Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line Nijyubashimae station
・1 minute walk from Toei Mita Line Hibiya station
Further information about the location is available on the below website.

■Organizer: Social Venture Crowd, Ltd.

■Entry: Click the button that says “GET TICKET” on the right side in this page.

Social Venture Crowd, Ltd. 
Email: info@socialventurecrowd.com


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