PyCon night Tokyo 2017.05 - Dive into PySpark, Jupyter and pandas

2017/05/26(金)18:30 〜 22:30 開催
参加枠申込形式参加費 参加者
Lottery (通常枠) *1
抽選制 1,000円
71人 / 定員106人
Diversity Priority Seat (社会人男性以外の優先確保枠) *2
先着順 1,000円
11人 / 定員18人
Staffs Only (スタッフ枠)
先着順 1,000円
6人 / 定員6人
Additional Seat / (2017-05-12 追加枠)
先着順 1,000円
6人 / 定員7人

※ 抽選結果は、2017/05/12 以降にメールおよびイベント詳細ページで通知されます。


PyCon night Tokyo

PyCon is one of the international conferences of programming language Python. Pythonista community holds it all over the world.

PyCon night Tokyo is a casual tech meetup. At the last event, we invited Paul Hildebrandt, a senior engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios.

This time, we have invited Michael Lanzetta, a principal software development Engineer at Microsoft as a Keynote speaker.

This meetup is composed of three parts. The Keynote by Michael Lanzetta. Second, The Main session by Masaaki Horikoshi. Moreover, we are going to have Beer & Pizza Party.

PyCon とはオープンソースのプログラミング言語 Python (パイソン)に関する国際会議・カンファレンスで、世界各国のコミュニティによって各地で開催されています。

PyCon night Tokyo はよりカジュアルなイベントです。PyCon night Tokyo として、前回は Walt Disney Animation の Paul Hildebrandt をお招きしました。今回、Keynote スピーカーとして Microsoft 社の Principal Software Development Engineer である Michael Lanzetta に登壇いただく機会が得られました。

ミートアップは、Michael Lanzetta による Keynote、Masaaki Horikoshi による メインセッション、そして懇親会の三部構成です。


Schedule Speaker Description
18:30 - 19:20 - Doors open
19:20 - 19:30 Staff Opening
19:30 - 20:30 Michael Lanzetta Keynote: Learning from Big Data Using PySpark and Jupyter
20:30 - 20:40 - Breaking time
20:40 - 21:20 Masaaki Horikoshi Main session: Data processing using pandas and Dask
21:20 - 22:15 - Beer & Pizza Party
22:15 - 22:30 - Closing

Keynote: Learning from Big Data Using PySpark and Jupyter | Michael Lanzetta - Principal SDE at Microsoft


Learn to use Spark's Machine Learning libraries to train models at scale from the comfort of your Jupyter Notebook, without having to set up your own Spark cluster.

Talk: English / Material: English

* This session will not be translated into Japanese.

Speaker's Profile

Michael Lanzetta is a Principal SDE at Microsoft, and has been working in the software industry for over 20 years.

He's worked in domains as varied as circuit design and drug discovery, and in languages from JavaScript to F#, but his primary focus has been scaled-out server-side work.

He has a background in demand forecasting from Manugistics and Amazon, machine learning from Bing, and distributed systems from FUSE Labs. He now works in TED as both the head of the Machine Learning working group and a developer in the Partner Catalyst Team - helping startups and labs within enterprises solve hard problems and open-sourcing his results.

Main Session: Data processing using pandas and Dask | Masaaki Horikoshi - at ARISE analytics


Introduction of basic data processing using pandas and Dask. pandas offers intuitive API for common data-handling tasks, and Dask can parallelize pandas and NumPy using multiple CPUs / devices.

Talk: English or Japanese / Material: English

* No interpreter in this session as with the Keynote.

Speaker's Profile

Masaaki Horikoshi is a committer of pandas/Dask.

*2 Diversity Priority Seat

We prepared Diversity Priority Seat to bring Diversity and open mind into our community. Statistically, it is known that a majority of participants in a tech meetup is working-adult-men. Therefore, this event has some priority seats for non-majorities.

Specific cases are a student, women, non-binary and so on. We never check and judge an attendee's attributes. We trust your goodwill.

Diversity Priority Seat とは、PyCon night Tokyo がより多様性をもち開かれたイベントであることを目指すために用意された取り組みです。統計的に、技術系勉強会の参加者数は社会人男性が最も多いことが知られています。PyCon night Tokyo では、社会人男性以外 の参加者の席を先着で確保する枠を設けました。




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