英語 & 日本語OK, チームプログラミング合戦:エクストリーム・カルパッチョ!
(English follows Japanese)
- プログラミング知識がなくてもイベントに参加してチームに貢献することができますが、各チームには少なくとも1人、自身のコンピュータで開発できる参加者が必要です。
- C#、Java、Kotlin、JavaScript、TypeScript、PHP、Python、Ruby、Go、Rustのベースコードを提供します。
- シンプルなAPIの開発知識が必要です。
- アジャイル、ストーリー分解、継続的デリバリーの基礎知識があることが期待されます。
ヴァッサー・ジャンバティスト: エンジニアリングのバックグランドを持っており、技術とプロセスの改善に加え、組織文化とマインドセットの変革に注力。幅広い業界経験を活かし、実践的かつ柔軟なコーチングで、長期的な組織の成長と持続可能な変革を支援。2017年に株式会社yamanecoを設立し、「人」を中心に据え、各組織の独自の課題に対応したサポートを提供。
Team Programming Contest: The Extreme Carpaccio!
Extreme Carpaccio is a coding game designed to encourage and favour incremental development and Continuous Delivery best practices.
Participants are divided into teams and need to implement a server that responds to HTTP requests from a central client, calculating prices with different discounts, taxes, and conditions. For every correct response, a team earns points and increases their score. For bad responses, penalties are charged and the team loses points.
The key to succeeding in this game is to define a slicing strategy, implement, deploy, check feedback, adapt the strategy, implement, deploy... and iterate as fast as possible!
- Participants who don’t code can also join the event and contribute to their team, however, each team will need at least one participant who can develop the product on their computer.
- A base code will be provided in the following languages: C#, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Go, Rust. Basic knowledge of building and running a simple API project will be required for participants who will develop.
- Basic knowledge of Agile, breaking down stories, and continuous delivery is preferred.
Jean-Baptiste Vasseur: I come from an engineering background and I'm passionate about improving both the technical side of things and how teams work together. I really focus on transforming company culture and mindsets. Based on my experience across different industries, I help organizations learn and grow in lasting ways through hands-on, adaptable coaching. I started yamaneco Co., Ltd. in 2017, where we put people at the center of the game and help each organization tackle their own unique challenges.
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