KINTOテクノロジーズ の技術ブログ
はじめに こんにちは!KINTOテクノロジーズの勉強会事務局スタッフです。 先日、「 KINTOテクノロジーズ MeetUp!~情シスによる情シスのための事例シェア4選~ 」というタイトルで「コーポレートIT領域に特化した、事例発表+座談会形式の勉強会」を開催しました。 開催に先立ち、「勉強会の企画~事務局立ち上げ」までのストーリーを「 はじめての「KINTOテクノロジー
iOSDC Japan 2023参加レポート(エンジニア目線)
#iwillblog → #ididblog ということでみなさんこんにちは。モバイルアプリ開発GでiOSを担当している小山です。iOSDC 2023に参加してきたので、遅ればせながらその内容を紹介したいと思います。弊社からは参加した小山とGOSEOからそれぞれ紹介させていただきます。 今年はiOSエンジニア以外の弊社テックブログ運営メンバーも参加しており、運営目線での記事が iOSDC Japan 2023参加
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) incorporated in a payment platform intended to allow global expansion
Introduction Hello, my name is Go Wada, and I am responsible for the payment platform backend in the Shared Service Development Group. The project I am in charge of has been engaged in Scrum-based development using domain-driven design since our team developed the platform. This article uses the experience gained there to give an example of how this was implemented efficiently by a team. What is "Domain-driven Design (DDD)?" DDD is a method of developing software. It is intended to imp
The Exciting Journey of Redesigning the TechBlog
Hajimemashite! I’m Moji from UXUI team in the Global Development Group. At KINTO Technologies, my main role is product design, which I love because it blends my business knowledge with my design skills. I aim to create user interfaces that are easy to use, aesthetically pleasing, and generate measurable results. My ultimate objective is always to turn complicated problems into simple, user-friendly experiences that users find satisfying. I'm writing my very first article for the TechBlog!
An Introduction to Becoming a Licensed Scrum Master (LSM) and a Description of My Journey to Gaining This Certification.
Introduction My name is Kinoshita, and I am from the my route Development Group. Normally, I do advanced development for Proof of Concepts, spanning mobile, front-end, and back-end development. I was given the opportunity to take the Licensed Scrum Master Training, which I passed successfully, granting me certification as an LSM. This is an account of my journey to gaining this certification. What is LSM? The LSM is a certification from Scrum Inc. awarded to those who take the Scrum Inc. certifi
The reasons and the four approaches for implementing orientation training for mid-career hires
Introduction Hello. My name is Kairi Watanabe and I work in front-end development at KINTO technologies. As a member of the KINTO development group, I normally work on the development of KINTO ONE services for use in Japan using frameworks such as React.js. The KINTO development group is made up of engineers and accepts multiple new members each month. However, it can be difficult for us to understand the business domain in its entirety when working with a system that is so large in scale. For t
サイバーセキュリティシンポジウム道後2023 レポート
はじめに こんにちは、KINTOテクノロジーズの森野です。2023/6/29(木)~30日(金)に、同僚と二人で愛媛県松山市で開催されたサイバーセキュリティシンポジウム道後2023に参加してきました。開催趣旨は、コロナウイルスと共存する社会の進展に伴い、デジタル化が加速する中で、サイバー攻撃への対策が重要になっていることを認識し、「地域SECUNITYの力でサイバー攻撃
Introducing Storybook for the Development of a Universal Design System
Introduction I'm Chris, Front End Engineer for KINTO Technologies. I am part of the Global Development Division and, as is usual for an multinational team, we communicate primarily in English, whether for casual chats or for technical conversations. My team develops interfaces for local services and back-office systems for various countries. When developing multiple projects at the same time, improving the efficiency of the development work is crucial. Today I would like to talk about the fr
Efforts to Implement the DBRE Guardrail Concept
Hello, this is Awache ( @_awache ), a Database Reliability Engineer (DBRE) at KINTO Technologies (KTC). In this blog post, I would like to talk about the Database guardrail concept that I want to implement at KTC. What are guardrails? "Guardrails" is a term that is often used in Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) activities. In a nutshell, guardrails are "solutions for restricting or detecting only realms that are off-limits, while ensuring as much user freedom as possible." B
Schema-first Development with Protocol Buffers, GraphQL Schema, and Swagger Spec
Introduction I am Aoi Nakanishi , lead engineer of KINTO FACTORY at KINTO Technologies. The KINTO FACTORY project is redesigning the system with a view to service growth of supported vehicle models and products, as well as nationwide expansion. This project also incorporates with modern technologies and development workflows. In this article, I will describe the schema-first development we are working on at KINTO FACTORY. What is schema-first development? This method, which involves defining a s
Insights from using SvelteKit + Svelte for a year
Introductory Remarks and Self-Introduction My name is Ikeda, and I'm in charge of front-end development at KINTO Technologies. Recently, I've been involved in the development and operation of KINTO ONE and the launch of new services and projects. Introductory Remarks Recently, various JS frameworks are emerging, such as React, Vue.js, AngularJS, Preact and Ember. Svelte and Solid are two that have been gaining momentum lately. (And personally, I would like to see Mithril.js grow more. Yo
はじめに こんにちは! KINTO テクノロジーズのプラットフォームGでCloud Infrastructure Team(Osaka Tech Lab)に所属している井木です。同じ大阪にいるチームメンバーの若手ホープがCloudFront Functionの障害対応について執筆すると聞いたので、事前知識としてのCloudfrontエッジ関数ついて記載しようと思います! まずは、CloudFrontについて CloudFrontはコンテンツ配信サービス(CDN)であり
はじめに みなさまこんにちは!グローバル開発部兼テックブログ運用チームの森です。 KINTOテクノロジーズは現在東京・名古屋・大阪にそれぞれ拠点があり、東京は室町 (日本橋)・神保町の2つのオフィスに分かれています。私の所属するグローバル開発部は神保町オフィスにて日々働いております💪 今回は神保町オフィスにて2度ほど開催された情報共有会、その名
はじめまして!人事採用チームで組織開発担当です。 2023年1月に入社後、最初に手がけた全社イベントがとっても心温まる場になったので記事にさせていただくことになりました。記事は2023年2月開催の様子です。 KTC #thanks Days ![KTC #thanks Days](/assets/blog/authors/hr-team/thanks-days/thanks-days.png =400x) 実施したイベント名です。社内ではKINTOテクノロジーズのことをKTCと呼んでいます
iOSDC Japan 2023参加レポート(運営目線)
皆様こんにちは、グローバル開発部兼テックブログチームの森です。普段はグローバル開発部にてWebのPdMを務めています。そんな私ですが、2023年9月1日~3日にかけて開催された iOSDC Japan 2023 へ社内の数名と参加してきました! 興味深いセッションの内容は参加していたiOSエンジニアが書いてくれると思うので、私は運営目線での感想をレポートします😎 (#iwillblog プレッシ