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KINTOテクノロジーズ の技術ブログ


KINTOテクノロジーズで my route(iOS) を開発しているRyommです。 TextKitを使いたい場合など、未だUITextViewは必要になることが多いと思います。 UITextViewをSwiftUIで使えるようにUIViewRepresentableしようとしたところ、高さの調整にハマったので、その解決記事です。 結論 こんな感じでできます。 import UIKit struct TextView: UIViewRepresentable { var text: NSAttributedString func makeCoordinator() -> Coordin

KINTO Technologies MeetUp! (Operation staff version)

​ Hello ( º∀º )/ ​ This is Murayama from the Tech Blog Team and the Budget Control Group! In this article, I’d like to share insights from the organizing staff as we host our company's first external event, the "KTC Meet Up!" You can read another article about this event here, detailing everything from the study session planning to appointing supporting staff, written by the organizer, Kinchan ✍️ The first KINTO Technologies MeetUp! From start to launch ![](/assets/bl

Introducing a Secure Method for Database Password Rotation

Hello, I am _awache ( @_awache ), from DBRE at KINTO Technologies (KTC). In this article, I’ll provide a comprehensive overview of how I implemented a safe password rotation mechanism for database users primarily registered in Aurora MySQL, the challenges I encountered, and the peripheral developments that arose during the process. To start, here's a brief summary, as this will be a lengthy blog post. Summary Background Our company has implemented a policy requiring database users to rotat


こんにちは、KINTO テクノロジーズ (以下 KTC) DBRE のあわっち( @_awache ) です。 今回は AWS の提供するシークレットローテーションの機能を利用して、主に Aurora MySQL に登録されている データベースユーザーのパスワードを安全にローテーションする仕組みを導入したのでその導入方法やつまずいた点、さらに周辺で開発したものを全てまとめて紹介させていただきます。 か

2024 Kick Off! : Journey to Our First Company-Wide Offline Gathering

Introduction Hello everyone. I am Mori from the Tech Blog Team, now the Technical Public Relations Group. Starting this April, we’ve rebranded our team as the ‘Technical Public Relations Group’ ✨ Thank you for your ongoing support‍ ️🙇‍♀️ I’ve covered my other projects in separate articles. If you’re interested, please feel free to check them out 👀 Compliance with GDPR in the Global KINTO GDPR compliance: Implementing a Cookie Consent Pop-up on a Global Website Getting

A story about how gratitude transcends boundaries

Hello! I'm an organizational development coordinator in the Human Resources Group. After joining the company in January 2023, the first company-wide event I organized turned out to be a heartwarming experience, so I decided to write about it. This article covers an event held in February 2023. KTC #thanks Days ![KTC #thanks Days](/assets/blog/authors/hr-team/thanks-days/thanks-days.png =400x) This is the name of the event. Within the company, we refer to KINTO Technologies as KTC. ■Event O

SCoE Group: Leading the Evolution of Cloud Security

Introduction Hello, I'm Tada from the SCoE Group at KINTO Technologies (from now on referred to as, KTC). The term SCoE, which stands for Security Center of Excellence, might still be unfamiliar to some. At KTC, we reorganized our CCoE team into the SCoE Group this past April. In this blog, I would like to share the background and mission behind our new SCoE organization. For more information on the activities of our CCoE team, please refer to the previous articles if you are interested. Bac


はじめに 初めまして。KINTO ONE開発部の新車サブスク開発グループでフロントエンド開発を担当しているITOYUです。 今、Webアプリケーションを作成する際はVue.js、React、Angularなどのフレームワークを使うことが一般的です。新車サブスク開発GでもReact、Next.jsを使って開発を行っています。 やれReactのver.19がリリースされた、やれNext.jsのVer.15がリリースされたというように

try! Swift Tokyo 2024: LT event recap

Introduction Hello. I am Nakaguchi from KINTO Technologies, Mobile App Development Group. I work on developing KINTO Easy Application App and also organize study sessions and events for the iOS team. Eight members of our iOS team attended try! Swift Tokyo 2024 , which was held from March 22 to 24, 2024. Later, as part of our study sessions, we held LTs (lightning talks) to reflect on our experiences. Out of the eight participants, five gave presentations through LT, while the remaining three pub

The Story of How the Help Desk of KINTO and KINTO Technologies Have Collaborated (and Continue to Collaborate)

Introduction Hello! I am TKG from the Corporate IT Group at KINTO Technologies (KTC). As a corporate engineer, I usually manage the Service Desk and Onboarding Operations. The other day, I presented the "Study Session in the Format of Case Presentations + Roundtable Discussions, Specialized in the Corporate IT Domain" at the event **“KINTO Technologies MeetUp! 4 case studies for information systems shared by information systems” ** " This time, I would like to introduce the co

Create a Reference Image for Snapshot Testing in Any Directory on iOS

My name is Ryomm and I work at KINTO Technologies. I am developing the app my route (iOS). Today I will explain how to create a reference image for Snapshot Testing in any directory. Conclusion verifySnapshot(of:as:named:record:snapshotDirectory:timeout:file:testName:line:) You can specify the directory if you use this method. Background Recently, I wrote an article about introducing Snapshot Testing. However, after running it for a while, the number of test files has increased significantly, ma

未来型読書法 アクティブ・ブック・ダイアローグ®を体験してきました

はじめに こんにちは。 KINTOテクノロジーズ モバイルアプリ開発グループの中口です。 iOSチームのチームリーダーとしてこれまでにチームビルディングに関する記事を公開しておりますので、ご興味あればぜひご一読ください。 振り返り会がマンネリ化したのでプロファシリテーターを呼んでみた 180度フィードバックとってもおすすめです! 先日、 【たぶん世界最速開

Sharing How Great Was Our Group Reading Session '_Learning from GitLab: How to Create the World's Most Advanced Remote Organization_'.

Sharing How Great Was Our Group Reading Session " Learning from GitLab: How to Create the World's Most Advanced Remote Organization ". Hello, I am Awache ( @_awache ). We were so fascinated by the book " {2 Learning from GitLab: How to Create the World's Most Advanced Remote Organization - How to use documents to achieve maximum results without an office ]( ) " that we decided to hold a group reading session with both people from


はじめに こんにちは。 KINTOテクノロジーズ モバイルアプリ開発グループの中口です。 KINTOかんたん申し込みアプリのiOSチームでチームリーダーをしており、チームビルディングの一環として180度フィードバックを実施しましたのでその内容を共有します。 こちらのチーム振り返り会の記事 も同じチームで行った取り組みですので、ご興味あればご覧ください。 実施背景

Snapshot Testing in the my route App

Hi! I’m Ryomm, developing the iOS app my route at KINTO Technologies. My fellow developers, Hosaka-san and Chang-san, along with another business partner and I, successfully implemented and integrated our Snapshot Testing. Introduction Currently, the my route app team is moving towards transitioning to SwiftUI, so we have decided to implement Snapshot Testing as a foundational step. We began this transition by initially replacing only the content, while keeping UIViewController as the base. Th