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KINTOテクノロジーズ の技術ブログ

myroute Android AppでのJetpack Compose

はじめに 初めまして、KINTOテクノロジーズ株式会社でmy routeのAndroid開発をしているソミです。my routeは'おでかけ情報'(お出かけ·交通情報)・'地図で探す' (地図検索)・'おでかけメモ' (メモ)などの様々な機能を提供して、移動の体験を豊かにしているアプリです。 現在、my routeのAndroidチームはUI/UXの改善を目指してJetpack Composeを積極的に活用しています。

Key Points on Communication from Test Design

Introduction  Hello! I am mmm from the QA team.  I am mainly involved in the QA of KINTO web systems. The systems we handle include the frontend visible to customers, the back-office area used by dealerships, and several systems for internal operations. Between these systems, various types of data are linked.  Recently, we have adding been more apps such as " KINTO Unlimited " and " KINTO Easy Application ". As new features and requirements are added, organizing their r


はじめに オリジナルマスコットキャラクターができるまでのお話を執筆します。 第一弾は、キャラクター欲しいよねーという声を受けて形になるまでです。 クリエイティブ室の杉本です。私が所属するクリエイティブ室は、超簡単にいうとクルマのサブスクKINTOのお客様とコミュニケーションをとるアウトプットを、企画・制作する担当をしています。少し、小難しくい


こんにちは。KINTOテクノロジーズ(トヨタグループ)でサイバーセキュリティエキスパートとして働いているサジュ・マタラダンです。 このブログでは、文化の微妙な違いからプロフェッショナルとしての成長の機会まで、私が日本のIT企業で働いた経験についてお話しします。 本記事は「ダイバーシティ」をテーマにしたシリーズ記事の1つで、このシリーズではKINTOテ

Let's Make a Human Resources Group: How the Organization Rapidly Gained 300 Employees in 3 Years

Hello I am HOKA from the Human Resources Group at KINTO Technologies. I am responsible for organizational human resources and recruitment PR. I also manage our X (formerly Twitter) account . As part of the annual Advent Calendar event, my focus on this Tech Blog article will be about how the Human Resources Group started. I hope you will stay with me until the end. The Establishment of KINTO Technologies, a Development Organization KINTO Technologies Corporation (hereinafter, "KINTO Technol

VS CodeでReactプロジェクトをデバッグしたい話

はじめに こんにちは、KINTO FACTORY のフロントエンド開発を担当しているきーゆのです。 今回は Visual Studio Code(以下 VS Code)で React プロジェクトをデバッグするための環境を構築した件について、まとめてみたいと思います。 これまで VS Code は優秀なメモ帳程度にしか使って来なかったので、結構苦戦しました(主に言語の壁)。 今まさに VS Code にデバッグの環境を構築しよう


自己紹介 はじめまして!モバイルアプリ開発Gにて my routeアプリ のAndroid側の開発を担当しておりますRomieです。 前職からAndroidの開発を始めて2年経ちましたが、個人開発も含めてレイアウトは全てxml形式で実装してきたためComposeにきちんと触れたのはお恥ずかしながら2023年12月にKINTOテクノロジーズ株式会社(以下KTC)に入社してからになります。 TechBlogに記事を書くのも初

Don't Just Crush Bugs, Prevent Them: Quality Improvement Initiatives

Introduction Nice to meet you! I am yama from the Quality Assurance Group. I joined KINTO Technologies in May 2023. I mainly do QA work for KINTO Unlimited . About Today's Theme Today, I will talk about the quality improvement initiative that I have been working on since I joined the company. The Quality Assurance Group and Its Future Prospects The figure above shows the future prospects of the Quality Assurance Group as given by our manager zume during a company announcement. It shows that

Reviewing QA Work From the Perspective of Verification and Validation

Introduction I am oshima from the Quality Assurance Group. I am an old man born in Kansai and a Hanshin Tigers fan. I feel like 38 years ago was not so long ago. Although I do not have any special skills or qualifications, I have been working in QA for more than 20 years. I am currently in charge of QA for page designs and functionality improvements of services that have been released such as KINTO ONE, KINTO ONE (Used Vehicles), KINTO FACTORY, and Mobility Market, as well as QA for static conte

Half-Year Anniversary of the Launch of KINTO FACTORY: A Path of Challenge and Learning

Introduction Hello, I am Nishida, a backend engineer at KINTO FACTORY. It has been six months since the launch of KINTO FACTORY, and I would like to talk about the problems we encountered since we started operating the service, mainly involving its release and system monitoring, and what we have learned. About KINTO FACTORY I will give a brief overview of KINTO FACTORY's service. The service allows you to update functions and items such as hardware and software that are appropriate for your

Reading Vehicle Inspection QR Codes

Introduction Hello. Thank you for reading this! I am Nakamoto, and I work in frontend development for the KINTO FACTORY service (hereinafter FACTORY). Since I decided to participate on the Advent Calendar series, I will talk about how we implemented vehicle inspection QR code reading, which we released this year. Motivations for Adoption At FACTORY, we are currently developing a service that allows customers to ride their cars for a long time from the perspectives of "Upgrade," "R

Let's Use the Functions of Figma Variables! (For Beginners)

​ Introduction Hello! I am Aoshima from KINTO Technologies' Project Promotion Group. New variable functions have been added to Figma. Even though they are very convenient, I don't think there are many tutorials on them written in Japanese, so although it may be presumptuous, I am writing this article with the hope that it will be useful even for beginners. ​ Let's Make a Shopping Cart Mock-Up Using the Functions of Figma Variables! ![](/assets/blog/authors/aoshima/figma/image.w

Deployment Process in CloudFront Functions and Operational Kaizen

Introduction Nice to meet you. I am Shirai, working as a Cloud Infrastructure Engineer in the Cloud Infrastructure Team of the Platform Group at KINTO Technologies Corporation. I typically build and design the infrastructure for systems built on AWS. My hobby is playing table tennis and video games. Recently, I bought the remake of Super Mario RPG and played it while immersing myself in nostalgic memories. This time, I will introduce the deployment process in CloudFront Functions, which is being

Try Jira and You Will See How Impressive It Is!

Outline in 3 Lines I am a Scrum Master We use Atlassian products, including Jira in our company Here are some useful features of Jira Introduction Hello, everyone. This is Koyama from KINTO Technologies. I am an iOS (Swift) engineer. I've also been doing a bit of Scrum Master work lately. This time, I would like to introduce some recommended Jira practices. Scrum and Jira? As stated in the 2020 Scrum Guide , a Scrum Master has a key role to “help the Scrum team by coaching them self-manage

October Welcomes: Introducing the New Members

Hello Hello, I'm Maya from the Tech Blog team at KINTO Technologies! I interviewed those who joined us in October 2023 about their immediate impressions of the company and summarized them in this article. I hope this content will be useful for those who are interested in KINTO Technologies, and serve as a reflection for the members who participated in the interview. IU Self-introduction I am IU from KINTO ONE New Vehicle Subscription Development Group. I am in charge of front-end development