KINTOテクノロジーズ の技術ブログ
A Character Development Story Brought with Love: Part 2
Introduction Hello, I am Sugimoto from the Creative Office. This article is the second part in our two-part series introducing the creation of our mascot character design. Our first post detailed our journey since we received the request to its conceptualization. Firstly, every employee is a part of the path we have been working on. Secondly, the mascot character project (referred to as “the PJ” from now on) has chosen its selection based on KINTO's vision and brand personality, as well
「TechBrew in 東京 ~モバイルアプリの技術的負債に向き合う~」に参加してきました
はじめに こんにちは。 KINTOテクノロジーズ モバイルアプリ開発グループの中口です。 2024年5月23日に開催された TechBrew in 東京 モバイルアプリの技術的負債に向き合う に参加してきましたので、その様子をレポートします。 当日の様子 会場は オフィスが新しくなったFindyさん です。 噂には聞いていましたが、とても広くて綺麗なイベントスペースがありテンションが上
Are You Unit Testing with Flutter Web?
Unit testing with Flutter Web Hello. I am Osugi from the Woven Payment Solution Development Group. My team is developing the payment system that will be used by Woven by Toyota for the Toyota Woven City . We mainly use Kotlin/Ktor for backend development and Flutter for the frontend. In Flutter Web, errors in test runs can occur when using web-specific packages. Therefore, in this article, I would like to summarize what we are doing to make Flutter Web code testable, with a particular focus on u
Potential Bug Triggers in Android Development Due to Regional Preferences
Introduction I am Hand-Tomi and I work on developing my route for Android at KINTO Technologies. It has been almost a year since Android 14 was released on April 12, 2023. However, I feel that the concept of "Regional Preferences" on Android remains unclear to many. That is why in this article I've chosen to delve into this topic. Developing multilingual applications without understanding "Regional Settings" can lead to the risk of encountering unforeseen bugs. I hope thi
Gitflow for Back-Office System Development
Overview I am Cui from the Global Development Group at KINTO Technologies. I am currently the project manager of the Global KINTO App team, and previously the project manager for the back-office system developed by the Global Development Group. In this article, I will talk about Gitflow, a branch management method implemented within our back-office system development team to manage our source code. I think it can be applied to other products as well, so I hope this article serves you as a refere
Building an AWS Serverless Architecture Using Nx Monorepo Tool and Terraform
I tried building an AWS Serverless Architecture with Nx and terraform! Hello. I'm Kurihara, from the CCoE team at KINTO Technologies and I’m passionate about creating DevOps experiences that bring joy to developers. As announced at the AWS Summit Tokyo 2023: our DBRE team’s approach to both agility and governance of our vehicle subscription service KINTO , is to deploy a platform that provides temporary jump servers (called “DBRE platform” from now on) across our company, triggered b
記念となる1組目のご依頼 学びの道の駅 運営事務局のHOKAです。 2024年2月、KINTOテクノロジーズのメンバー全員が参加する月次MTGで、「 学びの道の駅、はじめます! 」という案内をしましたところ、モバイルアプリ開発グループiOSチームの中口さんから「勉強会について相談したいです」というご相談をいただきました。 モバイルアプリ開発Gの勉強会に関するご相談 私た
Tips to Stakeholder Communication
Introduction Hello, I am Takaba, a Product Manager in the Global Development Group at KINTO Technologies. In this article, I will share my tips on effective communication while talking with various stakeholders as a Product Manager. Having worked on products for many years, I've seen how communication influences the atmosphere and success of a project. Here are some of the things I have experienced and still use and practice every day. The Pyramid Style As a Product Manager, I talk to people
Deploying SvelteKit to AWS - Irregular Svelte series 06
Hello (or good evening), this is the part 6 of our irregular Svelte series. To read previous articles, you can click on the links below: Insights from using SvelteKit + Svelte for a year Comparison of Svelte and other JS frameworks - Irregular Svelte series-01 Svelte unit test - Irregular Svelte series 02 Using Storybook with Svelte - Irregular Svelte Series 03 Exploring Svelte in Astro - Irregular Svelte series 04 SvelteTips - Irregular Svelte series 05 In this article, I will be writing about
はじめに こんにちは、11月入社のnamです! 本記事では2024年2,3月入社のみなさまに、入社直後の感想をお伺いし、まとめてみました。 KINTOテクノロジーズに興味のある方、そして、今回参加下さったメンバーへの振り返りとして有益なコンテンツになればいいなと思います! J.O ![alt text](/assets/blog/authors/nam/newcomers/icon-jo.jpg =250x) 自己紹介 3月入社のJ.Oです。KINTO ONE開発部 新
SvelteTips - Irregular Svelte series 05
Svelte Tips Hello (or good evening), this is part 5 of our irregular Svelte series. Click here to see the other articles: Insights from using SvelteKit + Svelte for a year Comparison of Svelte and other JS frameworks - Irregular Svelte series-01 Svelte unit test - Irregular Svelte series 02 Using Storybook with Svelte - Irregular Svelte Series 03 Exploring Svelte in Astro - Irregular Svelte series 04 SvelteTips - Irregular Svelte series 05 That's a lot of articles so far! This time, I will u
Exploring Svelte in Astro - Irregular Svelte series 04
I tried using Svelte in Astro Hello (or good evening), this is part 4 of our irregular Svelte series. You can find here our previous articles in the series: Insights from using SvelteKit + Svelte for a year *SvelteKit major release supported Comparison of Svelte and other JS frameworks - Irregular Svelte series-01 Svelte unit test - Irregular Svelte series 02 Using Storybook with Svelte - Irregular Svelte series 03 This time, I tried using Svelte in Astro. In this article, although this is a Sve
クラウドセキュリティの進化をリードする SCoE グループ
はじめに こんにちは、KINTO テクノロジーズ ( 以下、KTC ) の SCoE グループの多田です。SCoE は、Security Center of Excellence の略語で、まだ馴染みのない言葉かもしれません。KTC では、この 4 月に CCoE チームを SCoE グループとして再編しました。本ブログでは、その経緯や SCoE グループのミッションなどをご紹介したいと思います。CCoE チームの活動については、 過去のブログ で
Using Storybook with Svelte - Irregular Svelte Series 03
Hello (or good evening), welcome to the third installment in the intermittent Svelte series. Below are our previous articles in the series: Insights from using SvelteKit + Svelte for a year Comparison of Svelte and other JS frameworks - Irregular Svelte series 01 Svelte unit test - Irregular Svelte series 02 In this installment, we will talk about using Svelte and Storybook. About Storybook I think is known as a tool that simplifies management and operation of UI components, while also offering
November Welcomes: Introducing the New Members
Introduction Hello, I am Suzuki and I joined the company in November! I interviewed those who joined the company in November 2023 about their first impressions of the company and summarized them in this article. I hope this content will be useful for those who are interested in KINTO Technologies, and serve as a reflection for the members who participated in the interview. Shirai Self-introduction I am Shirai from Platform Group, who joined the company in August. I work on designing and building