KINTOテクノロジーズ の技術ブログ
Destination: Learning! We started the Manabi-no-Michi-no-Eki
Introduction (Overview of Activities) We started the "Manabi-no-Michi-no-Eki” at KINTO Technologies! So you'd ask, what is "Manabi (learning) + Michi-no-Eki (roadside station)" about? At our company, we do our best to foster a culture of output by hosting different activities including this Tech Blog, by presenting at events, or promoting various other initiatives. So, what drives our focus on output? We believe that input, or what we have learned, is a crucial prerequisite
An Issue We Encountered During Testing With Spring Batch using DBUnit
An Issue We Encountered During Testing With Spring Batch using DBUnit Introduction Hello. I am Takehana from the Payment Platform Team, Common Service Development Group[^1][^2][^3][^4][^5][^6] at the Platform Development Division. This time, I would like to write about an issue that we encountered while testing with Spring Batch + DBUnit. Environment Libraries, etc. Version Java 17 MySQL 8.0.23 Spring Boot 3.1.5 Spring Boot Batch 3.1.5 JUnit 5.10.0 Spring Test DBUnit 1.3.0 Encountered Issues We
Revitalizing Retrospectives Through Professional Facilitators
Introduction Hello. I am Nakaguchi from KINTO Technologies' Mobile App Development Group. I lead the iOS team for the KINTO Easy Application app which I will refer to as “the iOS team” in this article for convenience. We hold Retrospectives irregularly, but I find that they can be rather challenging. Am I succeeding in bringing out everyone's true feelings?? What are the team's real challenges?? Is my facilitation effective?? etc. I recently watched a webinar by Classmethod, Inc.
Revitalizing Retrospectives Through Professional Facilitators
Introduction Hello. I am Nakaguchi from KINTO Technologies' Mobile App Development Group. I lead the iOS team for the KINTO Easy Application app which I will refer to as “the iOS team” in this article for convenience. We hold Retrospectives irregularly, but I find that they can be rather challenging. Am I succeeding in bringing out everyone's true feelings?? What are the team's real challenges?? Is my facilitation effective?? etc. I recently watched a webinar by Classmethod, Inc.
Global KINTO ID Platform のパスキー
KINTOサービスの認証基盤について、開発を担当しているPham Hoangです。本記事では、Global KINTO ID Platform (GKIDP) に実装されたパスキーについてお話します。 OpenID Summit Tokyo 2024 に参加して、OIDC と組み合わされたパスキーについて伺ってから、パスキーが私たちのIDプラットフォームにどれだけ多くの利益をもたらすかついて、お伝えしたいと思いました。 I. GKIDP でのパスキ
[[[Amazonへのリンク]]]( ) ハンス・P・バッハー、サナタン・スルヤヴァンシ共著 『Vision』の内容を忘れないよう備忘録としてまとめようと考えておりましたが、とても良い本なので共有したいと思い、ここにその一部を紹介いたします。 日常に溢れるデザインされたビジュアルは、私たちに様々な感情を呼び起こします。なぜ特定のビジュアルが私た
Trying! Swift Community in 2024
はじめに こんにちは!iOSエンジニアのViacheslav Voronaです。チームメンバーと一緒に今年開催のtry! Swift Tokyoに参加したことで、Swiftコミュニティ全体の動向について考えることができました。かなり新しいものもあれば、前々からあったけれど最近になって進化したものもあり、本記事では私の所感を皆さんにお伝えします。 見て見ぬふりはできない話題... まずは避けて通
try! Swift Tokyo 2024を振り返って
はじめに こんにちは!KINTOテクノロジーズでiOSアプリケーションを開発しているFelixです。Swiftに焦点を当てたカンファレンスに行くのは初めてでした。2024年3月22日から24日まで、渋谷で開催されたtry! Swift 2024 Tokyoに参加しました。業界の最新トレンドに触れ、他のエンジニアとのネットワークを広げる絶好の機会となりました。 プレゼン いろいろな説得力のあるプレゼ
Marketing Cloud: Integrating Journey in Automation Studio!?
Introduction Hello, Tech Blog readers. We have recently decided to implement Marketing Cloud and to use the " Norikae GO email delivery" in it, considering the creation of a Journey to trigger an automated process instead of sending individual emails. A Journey is a feature that automatically deploys multiple marketing strategies when a customer takes a specific action. For example, when a customer clicks on a specific link in an email, the relevant information is automatically deliver
Introduction to Agile SaaS: The Secrets to Achieving Maximum Results Quickly with Minimal Workload
Introduction Hello everyone! I am Kin-chan from the KINTO Technologies' Development Support Division. I usually work as a corporate engineer, maintaining and managing IT systems used throughout the company. The other day, I presented the "Study session in the format of case presentations + roundtable discussions, specialized in the corporate IT domain" at the event " KINTO Technologies MeetUp!" 4 case studies for information systems shared by information systems - "
Cybersecurity Symposium in Dogo 2023 Report
Introduction Greetings, this is Morino from KINTO Technologies. On June 29th (Thursday) to the 30th (Friday) in 2023, I attended with a colleague the Cyber Security Symposium Dogo 2023 held in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture. The purpose of the event is to recognize the importance of countermeasures against cyberattacks as digitalization accelerates with the development of society that coexists with the coronavirus, and to fight cyberattacks with the power of local security. The purpose of the
A story about JavaScript error detection in browser
Introduction Hello! Thank you for reading! My name is Nakamoto and I develop the front end of KINTO FACTORY ('FACTORY' in this article), a service that allows you to upgrade your current car. In this article, I would like to introduce a method of how to detect errors that occur in clients such as browsers using AWS CloudWatch RUM. Getting Started The reason why we introduced it was due to an enquiry we received by our Customer Center (CC), where a user tried to order products from the FA
はじめに こんにちは!KTCグローバル開発部に所属している崔です。 現在 KINTO FACTORY の開発に参加しており、今年はチームメンバーと一緒にWebサービス内のメモリリークの原因を調査し、特定した問題点を修正して解決しました。 このブログでは、調査アプローチ、使用したツール、調査結果、そしてメモリリークに対処するための措置について詳しく説明します。 背景
To Be Event Staff at try! Swift Tokyo 2024
To Be Event Staff at try! Swift Tokyo 2024 With my childcare duties now more manageable, I decided to get more involved in activities and signed up for try! Swift Tokyo 2024! When I noticed they were looking for staff for try! Swift Tokyo 2024, I took the leap and submitted my application. To tell the truth, I had never been to try! Swift Tokyo, even as a participant, so I applied without really knowing what the atmosphere of the venue would be like😅 So in this article, I will share my experi
SwiftUIをCompose Multiplatformで使用する
はじめに こんにちは。KINTOテクノロジーズモバイルアプリケーション開発グループの Rasel です。私は現在、 my route Androidアプリの開発に取り組んでいます。 my route は、外出時に利用するマルチモーダルアプリで、目的地の情報収集、地図上のさまざまな場所の探索、デジタルチケットの購入、予約、乗車料金の支払い処理などを行うことができます。 いまやモバイルアプ