KINTOテクノロジーズ の技術ブログ
October Welcomes: Introducing the New Members
Hello Hello, I'm Maya from the Tech Blog team at KINTO Technologies! I interviewed those who joined us in October 2023 about their immediate impressions of the company and summarized them in this article. I hope this content will be useful for those who are interested in KINTO Technologies, and serve as a reflection for the members who participated in the interview. IU Self-introduction I am IU from KINTO ONE New Vehicle Subscription Development Group. I am in charge of front-end development
AWS CloudTrailに大量のNotFound系エラーが出てるんですけど!?
AWS CloudTrailに大量のNotFoundエラーイベントが出てるんですけど!? こんにちは。(今更)酒癖50を観てもお酒を嫌いになれなかったKINTO テクノロジーズCCoEチーム所属の栗原です。以前に同じチームの多田から KINTOテクノロジーズにおけるCCoEの活動内容 を紹介しましたが、クラウド環境をセキュアに保てるよう日々活動しています。AWSアカウントの健全性を確認するためAWS
Spring Boot 2 to 3 Upgrade: Procedure, Challenges, and Solutions
Spring Boot 2 to 3 Upgrade: Procedure, Challenges, and Solutions Introduction Hello. I am Takehana from the Payment Platform Team / Common Service Development Group [^1][^2][^3][^4] / Platform Development Division. This article covers the latest Spring Boot update which we use for payment platform APIs and batches. Challenges to Solve and Goals I Wanted to Achieve I am using Spring Boot 2, and I want to upgrade to 3 in consideration of the support period and other factors. The version of the lib
Room Migration
Introduction Hello, I'm Hasegawa from KINTO Technologies. I usually work as an Android engineer, developing an application called "my route by KINTO." In this article, I will talk about my experiences with database migration while developing the Android version of my route by KINTO. Overview Room is an official library in Android that facilitates easy local data persistence. Storing data on a device has significant advantages from a user's perspective, including the ability to
The Best Practices Found by Backend Engineers While Developing Multiple Flutter Applications at Once
Hello. I am Ohsugi from the Woven Payment Solution Development Group. My team is developing the payment system used by Woven by Toyota for Toyota Woven City . We typically use Kotlin/Ktor for backend development and Flutter for the frontend. In a previous article , I discussed the process of selecting the frontend technology prior to the development of our web application. Since then, we have expanded our operations and are currently working on seven Flutter applications, including both web and
はじめに こんにちは!KTCでデータサイエンティストをしている和田( @cognac_n )です。 2024年1月にKTCにおいて「 生成AI活用PJT 」が発足し、この度そのメンバーとしてアサインされました。今回はこのプロジェクトについて紹介をしようと思います。 生成AIとは 文字通り「新しいデータを生成するAI」を指します。2023年11月にOpenAIがChatGPTを公開したことで、一躍注目を集める
KINTO FACTORYにおけるパフォーマンス最適化
はじめに こんにちは。KINTOテクノロジーズ(KTC)グローバル開発部のフロントエンドエンジニア、Daichiです。現在は KINTO FACTORY のECサイトを開発しています。KINTO FACTORYは、トヨタ車とレクサス車のオーナー様向けの車体アップグレードサービスです。3つのサービス(リフォーム、アップグレード、パーソナライズ)を通して、最新のハードウェアとソフトウェアを車体に
はじめに こんにちは。KINTO Technologiesのグローバル開発部でフロントエンド開発をしているクリスです。 今日はフロントエンドの開発におけるちょっとした詰まったこととそれの解決策について紹介したいと思います! 詰まったこと 普段みなさんは以下のようにアンカータグ(aタグ)を使ってとあるページの特定部分までスクロールさせたい時ありますよね? スクロール先
Scrum Kaizen Through Charts
Introduction Hi! Thank you for your interest in my article! I am Yutaro Mikami, an engineer in the Project Development Division at KINTO Technologies. I joined the company in September this year and usually work as a front-end engineer on the development of KINTO FACTORY. In this article, I will write about my experience and efforts since joining KINTO Technologies, focusing on the theme of "Agile." Topic As indicated by the title, I will talk about the initiatives we have undertaken t
Which Agile Milestone Are We at Now?
👋Introduction Hello! I am Sasaki, a Project Manager in the Project Promotion Group at KINTO Technologies. In my career to date, I have worked as a programmer, designed as a Project Lead, trained members, and handled tasks akin to those of a Project Manager (defining requirements, managing stakeholders, etc.). In my previous job, I worked on Agile with the whole team for about three years and went through a real Kaizen (improvement) journey. As I am passionate about this topic, I really wanted
Advancement of Windows Kitting Automation: Introducing Windows Autopilot
Introduction Hello! I am Uemura from KINTO Technologies' Development Support Division. As a corporate engineer, I am mainly responsible for mobile device management (MDM). We recently held a "case study presentation & roundtable study session, specializing in the field of corporate IT" under the title " KINTO Technologies MeetUp! - 4 cases to share for information systems by information systems ." In this article, I will introduce the contents of the case study "
自己紹介&どんな話? グローバル開発部のYuki.Tです。グローバル向けプロダクトの運用や保守を担当しています。 グローバル開発部のメンバーの国籍は様々で、話す言葉も様々です。なかでも私のチームには「日本語が話せないメンバー」と「英語が話せないメンバー」が混在しています。そのためチーム内でのコミュニケーションを成立させるために、色々な工夫(苦
Transforming Development Methodologies: Our Journey from Waterfall to Agile in Crafting the Prism Japan App
I am Gojo, a software engineer at KINTO Technologies. I am doing backend development for a mobile app called Prism Japan that uses AI to suggest nice places to go around Japan. I co-authored this article with Saito, the Product Owner of Prism Japan. I will talk about how our relatively large agile team improved its overall development and teamwork. About Prism Japan First of all, let me briefly talk about Prism Japan, the service we are developing. In a nutshell, Prism Japan is a user-friendly a
Introducing the Front End Team behind the Website Restructuring
Introduction Hello, I am Kang from KINTO Technologies' development head office. I joined the company in January 2022 and have been working on the Website Restructuring Project since then. As KINTO increases its customer base, we are trying to expand various services along the way. The existing website had various issues with scalability when it came to incorporating new functions, so the website restructuring project was started in August of this year to solve these problems and make improve
Initial Challenges in the Website Restructuring Project
Introduction I'm Kobayashi, a Product Manager (PdM) for internal systems at KINTO Technologies. After joining the company, I was assigned to the website restructuring project of KINTO ONE ( [KINTO] New Vehicle Subscription from Toyota | Full Service Leasing ( ), and was in charge of project manager, test promotion, and migration promotion. When I was assigned to the project, it was already a year into development, and we were at the stage of conducting integration tests and rele